Today was a day unlike any other I have ever experienced, not in a good way. If you've seen the news then you probably know what has happened. I'm not going to go into great detail about it here as I'd just rather not, but I'll post a link in the sidebar just in case you haven't heard yet.
As you may remember, this morning I was scheduled to do my assessment. I arrived early, got some breakfast then hung out in the break room until I was scheduled to begin. When my assessor came I was taken to another building where I did my written test (did great on it by the way) and then after he marked it we stepped just outside the break room and sat at a picnic table so we could do the verbal part of my assessment. It was around then that this tragedy occurred. Needless to say the ride was shut down and I was not able to complete the in ride portion of my assessment. After the incident we were moved over to another building where I stayed for nearly four hours. I was given the option of leaving but I decided I'd rather stay. So I sat in the conference room talking with other cast members for a majority of the time. Then just after four I moved out in front of the gates and told guests we were closed. At 6:30pm I finished and caught the bus home.
Yesterday was my last day of training. I started my shift at 6pm with Claire, Josh and BJ. Basically we spent most of the night either going over the Q&A or in position. It was fun, I enjoyed the night. I was sad when it was over as I'd rather enjoyed the training portion of my job. I've yet to discover what it's like to be on my own in rotation, hopefully it's great. My shift did not end until 1:30am. Then I raced to the bus and got on, got home and went to sleep. I may have gotten about 5.5 hours of sleep, not much more though. This morning it was the worst thing ever, now it doesn't even matter.
I'm going to work tomorrow at 4pm til close at 10:30pm. Since I didn't finish that portion of my assessment I'll be doing that for the first two hours of my shift, then I'll be in rotation. I'm sure I'll do fine.
As horrible as this afternoon was I still don't want to go home. If it's possible, I want to stay even more. The way people came together this afternoon was amazing. I couldn't imagine working with a better group of people. I'm proud to call myself a Cast Member on Rockin Roller Coaster. I don't want it all to end.
It's not like I'm getting much incentive to come home anyways. I mean, besides my mom I haven't heard from anyone really. Here I am divulging the details of my life and I'm getting nothing in return. How am I supposed to miss you if I'm not getting constant reminders of you in my inbox.
One thing I know for sure is so far this summer has really made me look at my future. I'm making all sorts of crazy decisions and learning a ton. I'm even considering changing majors. I can be a writer with any degree. I can't run Disney World with a Creative Writing Degree. Though I'm sure whoever is running Disney World probably has an MBA from Harvard or something. Malaspina isn't quite on par with that, but oh well. I can start small, who knows where life will take me. Who knows how I'll feel at the end of the summer, or even two weeks from now.
I really shouldn't be left alone with my thoughts. I'm going to do something crazy one of these days.
posted by Unknown on
Thursday, June 29, 2006 § 0 comments
Sorry to have neglected to blog, but I've been kinda busy. Now let me see...where did I last leave off? I think perhaps it was after work on Saturday. So after I posted I hung around the apartment for awhile. Didn't really do much worth mentioning. I was enjoying being lazy while being annoyed that I couldn't be at work. I'm strange. At around 8ish I tagged along with Kelly, Laura and a couple of their lifeguard friends to the Golden Corral. It was both great and horrifying at the same time. Basically it's just a massive all you can eat buffet. We got there and had to stand in a pretty long queue before we could get up to the front registers. That's where you pay for your 'admittance'. It came to $13.62 so I gave the cashier $23.62 because I really wanted to rid myself of a load of change that was clogging up my purse. I don't think that cashier could have passed grade eight math. I said here is $23.62 and she's like '$20.62?'. I was like, no here's three dollars, can I have a ten back please. Took her five minute to figure out what she was doing and the line behind me was getting longer and longer. In the end she was like I'm going to ring in $20.62 then she gave me a five a two ones. Then she took my three dollars in quarters and handed me five one dollar bills. How that was easier then giving me a ten dollar bill is beyond me. I was just glad to get away from her.
Once inside it's all very overwhelming. There's food everywhere. I went off and found the table the girls had picked out then got my plate and headed out. It's no wonder America has issues with obesity. This place is just ready to breed them. There were hungry fat women everywhere, barking at small children who accidentally cut in line. I've never felt so svelte in my life. So I managed to consume about half as much as my dining mates before I was ready to burst. That amounted to like a plate and a half of food and a tiny bit of dessert. I did not eat my money's worth.
On the way I got a text from Kev announcing a midnight trip to Wendy's. It was only ten then so I waited about two hours attempting not to fall asleep. I'd been up at 5:30 that morning, remember. Somehow I managed to get a second wind just before Kev called at midnight and I walked over and met up with him. Then Shayna and Shanan arrived and after they quickly changed, we were off to Wendy's. I had a few fries and some lovely lemonade. I've fallen in love with the minute maid light lemonade. It's great, not too sugary like the regular stuff. So after that we came back to Vista and hung around the pavilion til about 3:00a.m. I managed to stay awake for 22 hours. It was amazing.
On Sunday, my first day off, I walked around in boredom and despair for a short while. Then Charlotte and I decided to clean, I swept and mopped, she vacuumed. It was disgusting. Six girls equals a lot of shedded hair. I'm gagging as I remember it. After cleaning I layed on the couch and read for like 4 hours. Then I got on my computer for awhile. At around 7:30 I texted Kev cause we'd semi made plans to hit up the Magic Kingdom after he was done at work. I heard back from him about 45 mins later and once he'd arrived back at Vista and changed out of his costume we headed off to the Magic Kingdom. First we went to Toontown in hopes of finding Shayna on the Barnstormer. Sadly we couldn't locate her. So we rode the stormer which was short but fun. After that we headed over to the Haunted Mansion where Shanan was working and she walked us right on the ride. Very cool. After the mansion we went over to Adventureland and went on the Jungle Cruise. We managed to get ourselves on Louisa's boat. It was fun.
It was about 11:30 after we'd gotten off the JC. It was EMH (extra magic hours) but alas we had no wristbands, which meant no more rides. So we walked over to tommorowland and ate some food. I had a kids meal..yum. (not really). Then instead of going home we kind of just stood around and stared at the castle. We eventually left after 1:00a.m. The bus ride home was unfun as I kept falling asleep then waking up three seconds later. We got back to Vista and parted ways. Kev and I agreed to meet at the bus stop the next morning at 10:50a.m. so we could catch the bus to the AK where we could start off our day of visiting all four parks.
I went straight to bed and didn't move for 7 hours. Woke up at 10a.m. yesterday. Twenty mins before my alarm clock. Got up and got ready then headed off the the bus stop. Sat there for ages waiting for Kev. Bout seven minutes before the bus was meant to leave I texted him demanding he get down there. Bout three mins later I get a text from him saying he'd slept in and had just woken up. Needless to say we missed our bus. We managed to catch the next one thirty minutes later. We got to the Animal Kingdom and after some picture taking we walked over to Everest to I could ride for the first time. We stood in line for just over half an hour then we were on. It was fantastic. It was freaky and fun. The going backwards was nuts. After we got off the ride we wandered over to Africa to see the wait time for the Safari. Kev has never ridden it before, can you believe that? We didn't get on it, though, as the line was deemed to long by him. So we went in my fave store in the park and I bought a hippopotamus. He's very cute. Animal Kingdom is the only place I like to buy stuffed animals here. After that we decided to head over to Epcot. Not before I found a frozen banana, though.
We got to Epcot at around 2pm and went on Spaceship Earth. Then we met up with Vanessa, the girl from Kev's work. We didn't do much in Epcot. We went over to the UK pavilion so Kev could have some Chips. Just as he was getting them it started to absolutely pour. Like pellets of painful rain. I ran over to the shop to get a poncho but then decided it was too expensive. I expected the rain would pass. So I ran back to the others. After awhile it became evident that the rain would not stop. Kev, being very nice, decided to run over to the store and grab a poncho for me as I didn't want to leave the cover of our umbrella. He had a rain jacked from work already. After we were decked out in ponchos we headed backstage to catch the bus back to Vista.
After we got back to Vista we went our separate ways and put on some dry clothes. It was about six by the time we got back to Vista as we managed to miss the first bus from Cast Services as Kev decided he absolutely had to have his rain pants and ran back to his locker. Vanessa decided to stay home but Kev and I met up with Shanan and caught the 6:30pm bus over to MGM. We got in line for Rockin Roller Coaster but about ten mins later one of my coworkers came over and was like, Why are you in line? She then handed me a few rider switch passes and told me to just back door it next time. (that means come in through the backdoor and just jump on the ride). I was very excited by all this. We got on the ride and it was a blast as always. Working there doesn't make it any less fun at all!
After the ride we went over to Tower where the line was very short and that was also a blast. After Tower we went ot the ABC commissary for dinner. I had a nummy Cuban sandwich. After dinner we caught a bus over the the MK. We got to the park and descended into the tunnels. I'd been wanting to see them forever. They aren't all that exciting in the end. In fact, they kind of smell. It was still cool to see them, though. After I think we walked the entire length of them we rose up in Tomorrowland. Then we walked over to Haunted Mansion and rode that. After Mansion we went back to Tommorowland and rode Space Mountain. Then we went to Toontown to see if we could find Shayna, and we did. We helped her push some strollers and then agreed to meet her at the bus at midnight. Then Shayna dragged us over somewhere in Adventureland so she could go talk to her Manager. After that we went back into the tunnels and found Shayna. Then we left, heading to the VIP bus. That bus took us to Westclock where we were to catch our bus back to Vista. One of Shayna's coworkers was very nice, though, and offered to drive us back. So we got a ride with him. It was much quicker and nicer than the bus. I miss having a car. If I ever come back, I'm driving down. Not if, sorry, when.
So we got home and parted ways again so we could go get stuff from our apartments, then we met back up at the pavilion. Stayed there for a bit, then I walked over to Walgreens with Kev. I promptly forgot everything I needed to buy there (bug spray for one). Then we sat in the pavilion for awhile until like three, then I came home and crashed. Now it's Tuesday. Another storm has arrived. It seems we get one a day now. Kind of annoying. Makes the parks not fun.
I work tomorrow, I'm excited but nervous. It's my last day of training, then on Wednesday I have my assessment. I also got myself a really painful blister on the bottom of my foot yesterday, so that's kind of annoying. It makes walking unfun. My work shoes are also kind of drenched still. If they don't dry by tonight I'll have to throw them in the dryer.
I think I'm finally going to go to Wal-Mart today, if the storm doesn't get worse. I'd hate to get struck by lightning.
Have a good day all!
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 § 0 comments
And I can't get there until freaking Monday. I should have gone yesterday but I my feet were going to fall off and I couldn't imagine dragging myself around that place. I was way too tired. I came home and just sat for almost an hour, not moving. Then of course I blogged and had some food. Went to bed last night at like 8:30 or 9. Had a bit of a time trying to fall asleep as I'd gotten a second wind and I was actually quite giddy. After divulging my entire life story to poor Helen who just listened with a smile on her face I retired to my bed. This morning I was up at 5:30a.m.
It sucked again of course. Found myself alot more tired today than I have been so far this week. Must be catching up with me.
I caught the 6:02a.m. bus to MGM and was there at around 6:15a.m. I had neglected to eat breakfast on my way out because 1. I was running late and 2. I didn't really have any food (cause I need to go to Wal-Mart). So I dragged Claire over to Take 5 but sadly they do not open until 8a.m. So for 85 cents I bought got a packet of two poptarts out of the vending machines. I only ate one, though, as I'm not the biggest fan. We walked over to the breakroom after I'd aquired what was to pass as my breakfast and we sat around for about 20 minutes until Josh and BJ showed up. Once they got there we went off to Launch Base to learn the opening procedure for there. That took about an hour and a half. It involved alot of pressing buttons and speaking over the loud system. Once we were open we hung out in the Launch Base for almost an hour until our relief came. After that we went on break then headed over to unload. I was just about to start working unload advance and Claire at unload when Claire happened upon a girl who was hyperventilating in the car. Immediately all things stopped and I stood to the side as the all the experienced CM's set about doing the necessary stuff. The ride was shut down and the ambulance was called. The girl couldn't breathe properly and almost passed out several times. Because the paramedics were coming to offload no other guests could go back there so we had to completely stop the ride, evacuate the people who were in any of the cars (none were in the gravity building thank god, didn't really want to climb 101 steps to get people out) and then send all of the people waiting in line away. It was pretty hectic but also good experience for the future. We ended up spending about half an hour in the courtyard sending people away.
After the crisis ended and the ride was back up and running the four of us went over to one of the operations buildings and sat down and went over downtime (when the ride is shut down) reasons and procedures. After that we got lunch at Take 5. I had a buffalo chicken sandwich and a small handful of onion rings. After my single pop tart I was starving.
After lunch we did a walk through of all the positions and were told what to do if we are there and we go 101 (shut down). Then I think we may have gone back to the breakroom and had our last break. We might have done something else in there but I really can't remember now. After our break we started to go over what we'd be asked during out assessment on Thursday. We have to answer all these verbal questions and take a written test. It's kind of freaky. I'm pretty sure I'll pass, though. As long the ride doens't decide to shut down while I'm in Launch Base or something. We pretty much did that until 3 when the shift was over. Of course, at about 2:45 it started to absolutely pour outside. I had to walk from the breakroom, across the park and to cast services then out the building and to bus pick up. By the time I got there I was drenched. To make matters worse the bus was like 10 minutes late so that was just another ten minutes I was stuck standing in the rain. It was a very uncomfortable bus ride home. I hate being wet. It was all very thundery and there was lightning as well. So far in two weeks we've had more thunderstorms here then we had all year at home last year. It's nuts.
So now I'm home and I've three days off ahead of me. Most people would be jumping for joy, but frankly, I wish I didn't have three days off. I like working. I like the people. Three days is going to take forever. I want to go back now. I want to make new friends at work and get better and my job. I don't want to be here stuck listening to my roommate and her friend gibber gabber in Chinese, which is currently happening. It seems that everyone I know is probably working these next few days as well. It's crap.
I still don't want to come home by the way. I like it here and I can't imagine life in Ladysmith ever being quite as nice. I'll be coming back here one day, at least I really hope I will. Must find myself an American to marry. I might as well look while I'm here, lol. I love everything here. I love how there are oranges on the street signs and that when it rains it's still warm. I love the parks and my job. I love the people and I don't even mind my uniform that much anymore...although it's not that flattering and no one I look with has any clue that I'm not nearly as....poofy as my uniform makes me look. It makes me look about two or three sizes larger than I really am. No one should have to wear pants at their natural waist and then have to tuck their shirts in. Especially me. It looks fine on the guys, but on the girls it's not great, again, especially on me!
I can't believe I've only got one more day of training left. It sucks. I like being trained. It lotsa fun and not so nerve wrecking when you've got someone over your shoulder making sure you don't screw everything up. I really don't want three days off....I'd much rather be working. That's very different for me. Back home I was just dying for a bunch of days off, which I got alot of, and whenever I had to work it sucked. Now I can't wait. This is very strange for me.
I could ramble on about how much I love it here forever but you might get bored, if you aren't already so I'll stop. I'll keep you updated on how my three days off go. They'll probably be spent in a haze of longing for work. How strange. Perhaps I'll have to be pathetic and go to MGM one day just so I can ride the coaster.
P.S- In regards to the comments on my last post...Jei's Mom, I had a really good burger at Bennigans the other night.
As for you Kevin, don't go trying to mug me. I think they may notice your not a girl when you get there, so it's not really worth your trouble. Plus they got nuts over Claires accent, they'd be sure to notice your Irishness and realize that you don't belong. By the way, where have you been this week? Haven't heard from you! Call me, I'm bored!
posted by Unknown on
Saturday, June 24, 2006 § 1 comments
Yet I'm still totally in love with my job and I never want to return home. Every last person who knows me knows that I will not wake up before 10 a.m. for almost anything. This morning I was up at 4:30a.m. to go to work and it didn't really bother me that much. That is how much I love working at Rockin' Roller Coaster. As for my feet, I can barely walk, but I don't care all that much. I've got a giant welt on my left foot and an annoying blister on my right, don't care. I miss everyone, but life in Ladysmith seems to maudlin after working here. Everyone will just have to move to Florida with me so I can have the best of both worlds.
Yesterday my shift started at 6:30 a.m. which meant I had to be up at 5a.m to catch a 5:30a.m bus so I could get to Cast Services ( place where Cast members enter the park) by 6a.m. It was still dark out when I got to Cast Services. After I was dropped off I started walking towards the RRC break room, of course I was so tired I ended up walking in the wrong direction and I found myself over by Star Tours instead of Hollywood Boulevard where I meant to go. So instead of going backstage and back tracking I just walked across the park towards RRC. It was very cool to see the place so empty. It occurred to me I may never see the park so empty again. It is a very cool place but even cooler when there aren't hordes of people everywhere. It was just me and the maitenance/janitorial people. Although funnily enough, the seem to keep the theme park music going at all times cause even without guests it was still going.
After strolling through the empty streets of MGM I made it to the break room. The other girl I'm training with was already there. About fifteen minutes later BJ and Josh showed and they took us for a walk around the empty building. We walked into the Gravity building, which is the building where the actual coaster is and saw it all with the lights on (to those unaware it's an in the dark coaster). It's kind of weird and kind of freaky. After our little walk we returned to the break room to get the keys, checklist and binders required to do the interior opening. There are three opening people each doing a different section. Our job was to check all of the doors in the building and make sure they were locked and stuff, cause if someone some how opens them the entire ride shuts down. We also had to climb like 101 stairs to get to the very highest point of the coaster when we were doing power resets. We did a lot of other things which aren't worthy of mentioning but the entire thing involved a lot of walking around.
After opening we went back to launch base and we got to ride the coaster twice. Once in the light which was so freaky cause you could see everything and where you were going, the second time we rode in the dark. Then we had 'track talk' which is the managers little opening chat with the cast members. Then we opened. Our little training group headed off to unload where we were taught the two positions there. Unload in which you tell the guests where to get off the coaster and check the first four cars and then Unload advance which is where you check the last two cars and actually push the button that sends it to load. We stayed there for a while and then I think we may have had a break. Again I'm not exactly positive of the order we did things, so bear with me as I try to remember. We did front grouper at some point, which is where you group the people into the limo cars. Make them line up at the appropriate gates. Front grouper is only in charge of the first six cars of the train. After that I'm pretty sure we may have gone outside to work at greeter or fast pass distribution. I do remember that we spent a lot of time at both locations yesterday. I know at some point we sat down and kind of reviewed the stuff we'd learned. I know we tested another car at some point later on. And I had a chicken salad for lunch. Then I came home, did a couple loads of laundry, ate dinner and went to bed. It was all very exciting.
Today I got up at 4:30 a.m. It was nuts being up so early. I don't really recommend it. Today was extra magic hours early edition, which means the park opened an hour early at 8a.m. for hotel guests only. Because I'm still doing the opening rotations, had to be there two hours before opening so we could do it. The girl I'm training with though didn't show up until after nine cause she had slept in. So BJ and Josh took me through the exterior walk through, then I rode the coaster in the light all by myself, then they taught me the load position. We then had a break and then went out to fastpass return. A few minutes after we got out there she showed up. After we did fastpass return awhile we went over Studio B, the place where you get to say a little spiel to the people. I like that position best I think. We did that a few times then went in Studio C where the actual little show is. They don't always have a person working in there but when they do they get to talk as well. I liked it in there as well.
After those two positions we went back out to Greeter and Fastpass Distritbution and hung there for awhile before heading off to lunch. I had a 6 inch Chicken Bacon Ranch which was delicious and very reasonably priced at just $3.55. You may or may not know this, but that is like the most expensive sub on the menu in Canada, so I rarely get it cause it's like two dollars more than all the other ones. Finding it so cheap at Take 5 was awesome. It tasted fabulous.
After lunch we went back out and I think we may have Load/Load Advance. Which is where you load the guests on the car. The two positions are on either side of the car. It involves a lot of walking. Then we worked MERGE which is where you merge the fastpass and standby lines, count them, measure the small ones, and then send them up to the show. It's a very fast paced position but I think I can get the handle of it. It's also outside, though, which sucks because of the heat. The last thing we did was back grouper which is probably the most fast paced of all the positions. You have to send people up to front gouper, then group people into the last six cars of the train. You also have to measure heights of small children, deal with FLIK cards (cards you give to guests to measure the wait time) and remove wheelchairs to unload when a guest with one comes through. It was all very fast paced and I didn't even do all of it, Josh was helping me out. Apparently I'm doing pretty good, though, so that's nice.
After grouper we got to clock out then Josh walked Claire and I over to the bungalows to pick up our checks. I got a whole $48, woohoo. On the bus home I was falling asleep. All in all it was a pretty good day. I love the job and the people are really cool.
Josh and BJ are lots of fun as well. Although they've taken to pushing us around, literally. I don't mind, though, as I just push em back. literally. I may come home bruised but I don't even care. That is if I ever come
Now I'm back home. It's like 6:00 and all I want to do is go to bed. I'm so tired. I'll try and stay awake a couple more hours though. I still have to eat dinner. Another frozen meal, hooray. I have another shift tomorrow at 7a.m. which means I must be up by 5:30a.m. Then I have three days off, which I kind of don't like as I like my job so much and sitting around won't be nearly as fun. Would it be sad if I spent one day at MGM going on RRC over and over again? I do have to go to Animal Kingdom, though. So I may try and get over there, and I'd like to go see Click if I get the chance.
I must be leaving now as I don't really have anything left to say. I'll update when my life becomes newsworthy again.
After that we went back inside and
posted by Unknown on
Friday, June 23, 2006 § 1 comments
Cause after today, I never want to come home. How can I possibly work anywhere else? Any other job is going to blow like no tomorrow. If the only way Disney will let me stay is if I'm American then I'm going to have to go about getting my citizenship the old fashioned way, marrying an American.
Before I tell you about my fabulous job I shall tell you what I did yesterday, then we can delve into the other stuff.
So yesterday afternoon I headed off to MK with Shayna, Shanan and Kev. First we had to stop at Vista Credit Union which is on the way at Disney University. So we got off our bus and walked over to the bank so the three of them could deal with their money things. I haven't been here long enough to need to cash a paycheck and I don't have a bank account yet. So after we finished there we walked back over to the bus stop intending to catch the VIP Castmember bus that takes you to the entrance of the tunnels so we could get in the park. Apparently people do this all the time, no big deal. We happened upon the worst security guard in the world though. When he asked Shayna if she was working she said no and he was like 'you can't go on this bus then.' Which was bull, people do it all the time. MK cast have to take the bus to get to their employment bases to pick up paychecks and stuff. They have to let you over there. It was just stupid. He was going on about us falling and breaking our ankles and suing disney, which none of us would ever do. It wasn't a really big deal to me but everyone else was very angry.
Finally another one of 'our' buses came and the very kind bus driver dropped us of at the TTC even though it wasn't on his route. We made it into the parks about 1-2 hours after we had planned.
In the parks we went and watched Mickey's Philharmagic which was very good. After that we walked over to Frontierland and had an early dinner at Peco's Bills. Then we wondered around the pirate store for awhile, looking at the Pirates of the Caribbean doors in awe. Only a few more weeks!!! It seemed for a minute there that Shanan was going to try and break in, but in the end she did not, thank god.
After we finished there it was nearing time for Kevin to leave as he had to work. We said our farewells then headed over to Splash Mountain. It was so hot out there that standing in line for over an hour just to get on the ride seemed alright. We just wanted to get splashed. And we did. It cooled us off for maybe five minutes, then we were completely dry again.
When we had arrived we'd gone over to Space Mountain and grabbed some fastpasses. It was time to use them when we stepped off Splash so we headed to Tomorrowland. On the way we grabbed some Pineapple Dole Whips (pineapple soft serve ice cream) which were amazingly yummy. When we got to Space Mnt. a guy Shayna and Shanan knew was working the FP line so he gave us a couple tickets that would get us all on two more times. So in the end we rode Space three times. It was fantastic each and every time. When we were done at Space we went to Fantasy Land and rode Snow White, then over to Haunted Mansion, then the Jungle Cruise where we had an awesomely hilarious 'guide'. After that we went back to Adventureland and rode Aladdin's Flying Carpets. One of the big stone camels spit in my ear, I fear I may get an infection as it's been hurting ever since.
It was about ten after the carpets so I said farewell to the girls and headed home. I wanted to beat the Wishes (fireworks show) crowd and get home early and go to bed. I got home and went to sleep.
This morning I began work at the Rockin' Roller Coaster. I woke up forty five minutes before my alarm cause I was so nervous/excited. I got ready, put on my snazzy uniform and headed to the bus. When I got there I found another girl from my arrival group who was training with me. Her name is Claire. Together we waited 'til our appointed trainer, BJ, arrived at 10:15. When he showed up he was accompanied by Josh who was job shadowing him because he is training to be a trainer. So together those two were training us, still are for the next four shifts. Two very nice guys. We walked over to the RRC break room and put our stuff in a cubby then signed in and began our day. First we got a little tour of Sunset Boulevard, then we went to the ride. We got in at the fastpass line and got to ride the ride. It was pretty cool. After that they walked us through the place. We toured all the areas we were allowed in and took a look at the various positions. Then we had a break, then we went back and did another little tour. Then we walked to Take 5 for lunch. After lunch we came back and did more walking around....I can't remember all that we did as it was a long day and it all seems to blend together more. We did get to go in the little recording studio that people look into during the preshow and pretend to be part of the show. It was really cool to go in there. After that we may have taken another break, then we had a little welcome talk with one of the managers. Then we got to hang out in the launch pad for an hour. I got to press the start button a ton of was cool. I was controlling the coaster! Kind of. LOL. It was fun. After that we spent about a half hour outside greeting people and then we were off.
I know I condensed alot of that but it's really hard to remember exactly what I did. I do know it was a ton of fun and I can't wait to go back. It's going to be an amazing summer, I can tell. I never want to come home. And we get really cool jackets to wear inside, although the one I picked up in uncomfy so I'm going to get a different one tomorrow. I have to go to bed now cause I have to catch a bus at 5:30 a.m. so I'm off. I'll write more later.
posted by Unknown on
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 § 1 comments
Before I get started on telling you all about my day yesterday I must relay this dastardly realization I had this morning. I was just lying in bed attempting to drift back to sleep when it occurred to me, next week I work until 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Then on Thursday I work at 10:00a.m. That's only like 9.5 hours apart! You may say, 's'alright, won't be too bad'. You must account for the buses though! If I'm super super lucky I may get the 1:47 bus home and be back by 2:30. If I'm no lucky though and miss that I'll be on the 2:17 bus and will arrive back sometime around 3:a.m. Then I have to be up at like 8:30 the next morning so I can catch the 9a.m. bus! Im going to be dead to the world...and get this. That's the day of my assessment! I'm going to be nodding off while they are trying to test me and figure out if I'm good enough to run the ride! Oh the horror!
Now that I've finished telling you this horrible tale, I'm sure you are all shaking in your seats, I'll tell about what I did yesterday.
So at about 1:20 Charlotte and I hopped on, well I'm not sure which bus it was but it took us to the commons. So we got to the Commons and jumped out and started to walk over to the Outlet Malls! This involves crossing the most giant Church parking lot in the history of the world. It also has a very massive church. Once we got to the other side and we began to troll through the mall. I dragged Charlotte in almost every single store. We started at the Gap then worked our way around. I found some very nice jeans at Levi's, but as I don't really need jeans in this weather I figured I'd leave em' til August. We went in every shoe store and I found tons of pairs I want. I found Nine West Sandals for $20. I didn't buy them cause they didn't seem practical, but it was a nice thought. Maybe if I can ever learn to walk in anything higher than two inches...
After some time we started to tire so we stopped at TCBY which serves nummy frozen yogurt in the ice creamiest flavours. I had a small one with a scoop of chocolate chip mint and a scoop of vanilla brownie swirl. Nummy! Just as tasty at Ice Cream but half the calories! Charlotte just got a massive coke. After we finished we went in this store Charlotte loves called Papaya. It was one of the those stores where I size L is about a size small or extra small in any other normal store. Needless to say I did not fit So I left and took a quick gander at Samsonite where I found a great little turquoise backpack for $40. I did not buy it because it was so expensive, but it was a thought. Maybe another day. It had a padded slot for my computer and everything. After that I went to some underwear store and considered buying a bunch of new ones so I wouldn't have to do laundry, then I remembered I still have enough left to not have to do laundry til about Saturday, so I didn't buy any.
After Charlotte was done in Papaya we walked over to Fossil where I gazed longingly at watches and purses. Didn't buy any yet, though, as I'm still considering saving my money and getting this really nice watch at Disney. Then we walked over to Sketchers where I found these awesome shoes. They are black sandals with very squishy soles. We'd been walking around for about 3.5 hours by then and my flip flop clad feet were screaming at me. The minute I tried those sandals on I was in heaven. The pain almost completely went away. So I bought them. Luckily they were onsale from $43 dollars to $25! Even better because of my Disney status I got this discount book which gave me 20% off at Sketchers. So in the end I payed like $21 which was awesome. Best purchase of my life. Well maybe not, but certainly of my week.
So after I bought my sandals we decided it was time to go as we'd been there 4 hours and we were quite hot and sore. We stalked back across the giant church parking lot and into the Commons where our bus showed up seconds later and we hopped on. About thirty minutes after we got back Laura and Kelly arrived home and the four of us went to the pool. I think we swam for nearly three hours. It was quite fun, although the nearing thunder and lightning was a bit frightening. Never hit us though!
*Fun Fact: In the Disney parks there are tons of little metal rods on the tops of the buildings...Lightning rods. They'd rather the lightning strike those then the guests. The Mickey on top of the tall thing at the front of MGM has a giant copper ear for the very same purpose!*
After swimming we came back to the apartment and dried off then walked over to Bennigans, an Irish themed burger place. I had a Peppercorn Bluecheese Hamburger Pita which was fabulous. And mom (she doesn't believe I'm eating enough veggies) instead of fries I had steamed broccoli. The burger pita thing was very cool. Instead of a bun they fill a pita with all the burger stuff. Quite nice. It even had those little dusted onion things that I love so much. The only way I will eat onions.
After dinner came home, hung out on my comp for awhile then read then went to sleep. The phone rang at 9a.m. this morning so I've been up since then. I'm dead tired but my room was way to bright and warm to sleep in. May go to walmart to get a sheet to hang over it.
Now that I've relayed all the details of my life to you I don't know what else to say. I start my work on the Rockin Roller Coaster tomorrow. Woohoo! I'm excited, except the fact that I must wear my dastardly costume on the bus does freak me out a bit. I don't think it's fair to make me wear it in public. I must remember that everyone else looks just as crap in their costumes as I. Well not all of them, there are quite a few who look just fine in their uniforms. I must try not to hate them.
Ooo have I told you about my status as bug treat. Apparently bugs just love to eat me. I'm the only one of my roommates with a myriad of bites on me. Oddly they all seem to be occurring on my left side, but I have a few. Three tiny little ones on my left arm. No idea what those are from. Then on my left side I've got three massive, angry red bites in a row. One day I only had one, the next day I had two then the next day I had three. I'm not pleased. Bugs suck! Oh and last night we saw a massive beetle or cockroach climbing the side of the building outside our door. EWWW!! Wasn't as big as the bug from the other night but it was enough to freak me out a bit.
I've a challenge for all of you, send me emails, tell me what's going on with you. I feel very disconnected from you peoples. Here I am sharing ever last detail of my life with you yet I've no idea what the hell you guys are up to! So send in the emails. I'm starting to feel like no one loves me. It seems I only get emails from the House of Blues concert updater!
I should go now, I've noticed I've become a bit fond of the exclamation point. I must work on not using it so much. Have a nice day all, although I doubt many of you are awake right now...
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 § 1 comments
I'm bored, so I thought I come here and ramble for a little while. I believe we left off yesterday when I came home and told y'all about my day at MGM. Well I'm going to give it to you straight. Since then about next to nothing has happened. I ate some frozen macaroni and then Helen, Laura and Kelly all came home. Laura and Kelly were v. excited as they had passed their lifeguard tests and now could start work. After awhile we all decided to go the Pleasure Island. Fast forward about 3 hours and Kelly still isn't ready. At around 9:30 we head over to some other lifeguards apartment to hang til the next bus. About then I start to yawn frequently and the thought of my bed brings a smile to my face, not dancing 'til the wee hours of the morning. Alas the girls were so busy talking that they missed the 10:30 bus so Helen, Charlotte and I all decided to head off to Walgreens for my sugary crap and then come home. I ate some very nice Edy's Nestle Tollhouse Icecream, not that much though. Then I went to bed.
Now I'm awake. Riveted are you? I know I would be. I have no idea what I'll actually end up doing today, though I know I need to go to Wal-Mart to get another T-Mobile Card as the website will not accept my Canadian Credit card. So now I have to spend like an hour on a bus and then an hour at Wal-Mart so I can call people. Oh well. I could get some more food too. I've tomorrow off too so I might go then if I can't work up the energy to go today.
I can't think of anything else to say, and I've tried. So I'll say farewell for now.
posted by Unknown on
Monday, June 19, 2006 § 1 comments
So I'm trying out Superhero names. I'm not sure Super Brynna is the best but if you have any suggestions let me know. I figure I need an alter ego, it might be fun. A good way to blow off steam.
No that I'm done with the general silliness I regale the latest tale in the Super Brynna Saga.
So last night Charlotte and I headed down to the West Side of Downtown Disney and caught a film, The Lake House. It was fabulous. Both Charlotte and I loved it! People may make fun of Keanu but I like him. He's very pretty and I think he can act. I don't care if you don't. Sandra Bullock was in fine form as well. We shared a giant popcorn and I bought a ridiculously expensive bottle of water. Next time I will not forget to bring my own snacks. After the movie we bussed it home and I went straight to bed.
This morning I was up at 6a.m. I know, what a horrible hour eh? When my alarm went off I was so disoriented, I had no idea why it was going off. It's never done that before you see, gone off so early. When I finally remembered I had somewhere to be I got up and started going about the business of going ready. I wore my lovely pink top that I bought in like January at Old Navy. It was the first time I wore it and could be the last. Between January and now I've lost far too much weight for this shirt. I shall only wear it if I want to world to witness my bra...and then some. Perhaps a pin would help.
After I'd perfected my look to the best of my ability I hightailed it out the door only to discover the sprinklers were on and my normal path to the busses would require getting soaked. A few quick jumps and maneuvers and I was on the road and away from the offending jets of water. I walked quickly, paranoid the bus would leave without me. I was early, though, and I did not miss it. So I got on and headed off to Disney-MGM Studios where my future (well the next two months) awaited me. We were there about half an hour early so we sat in the break room and watched Playhouse Disney. I got to watch The Wiggles and that clown girl, I forget her name.
At 7:15 our two group leaders showed up and handed out costuming forms for us to fill out or sizes so when we came back after the tour and class we'd have things to try on. I looked at the top of the form and under type of costume there was my job title........Now if you've talked to me recently or perhaps I mentioned it in this blog, I don't know...I found out last week that I was working on Sunset Boulevard in the Studios, and I'm on attractions. That left serveral options. Tower of Terror, Rockin Roller Coaster, Parade, Fantasmic and Theatre of the Stars with Beauty and the Beast. Now, the night I found that out and I was MSNing with a girl who is here who had the same job description and she's working Parade Control/Fantasmic. She told me it was almost definite I would be doing the same thing as her as they really needed people. I wouldn't be Tower of Terror as you need a hearing test and Rockin' Roller Coaster was apparently full she said. So I'd resigned myself to that job. Not that it's bad or anything, I was just worried about being in the sun during the Parade.
So I get my form and I'm expecting the Parade/Fantasmic job when I look down and see....COASTER as my costume type!!! Rockin' Roller Coaster people! You have no idea how excited I was. For months and months I've been saying how Rockin' Roller Coaster is my number one choice. I have no idea why, I just got it in my head that I really really wanted it. That or Tower of Terror or the Safari. I never thought I'd get any of my first choices. I mean, what are the odds, this place is huge. I could have been placed anywhere. So I was on a general high for the rest of the morning.
After we filled out or little forms we went on a walking tour of the park. It was pretty empty as it wasn't even open yet, so that was cool. I got to see a lot of the backstage area, although I have no idea how to find anything back there. After our walk through we went to the staff cafeteria for breakfast or lunch depending on your mood. It was only 10a.m. but we'd been up so long it was time for a meal. I had breakfast. Some lovely french toast with a hashbrown patty and a sausage patty. It was yummy. Especially since I've been mostly consuming frozen meals this past week.
After breakfast we went to the learning centre and did a couple of online 'classes'. Very simple and didn't take to long. Bout half way through our Training Co-ordinators showed up and took us aside. I got my training schedule. I was horrified. I have two days off then my training starts. on Wednesday it's not so bad, I start at 10:15a.m. But it just goes downhill from there. I start at 6:30a.m. on Thursday, then a horrible 6:00 a.m. start on Friday. Then 7:00 a.m. on Saturday. Then thankfully I've three days off before my last day of training on the 28th. I start at 6:00p.m. that day. The next day I start at 10:00a.m. and get my assessment. So you can see how terrifying this is. Even worse. The first bus to MGM doesn't even get here til 6:02a.m. which leaves me screwed on Friday. I'll have to figure out something.
After we finished our computer classes we walked over to costuming to get our costumes. I may like my ride but I hate the costumer. It's horrible! Even worse, nothing fits properly. Disney sizing is just wrong. If you ever find yourself suffering from high self esteem just get a job at Disney and watch it plummet the minute you step into your uniform, 3 or 4 sizes higher than your normal size. I'm not joking. I'm not even going to tell you what size the pants are, only that it made me want to cry. And they fit really badly too. The problem is they have such a high waist that the waists are really small, but the rest of them balloon out. So they fit in my waist and then there's room for me to stuff a couple of children around my thighs and stomach. The shorts are just as bad. They just look like a wired skirt cause they flare out. I may eventually post a pic for you to see, but I'm not ready to share my shame yet.
It took over an hour to finally find a costume that fit marginally, by that time I was so hot and sweating so much I wanted to pass out. Those costumes won't breathe, I can tell. Then I had to lug FIVE of them home. That's five shirts, five vests and five pants or shorts. Plus a belt. It wasn't easy. As I left the building I saw my bus in the distance but could not run for the weight of the costumes. Just as I hit the road it took off I had to wait another thirty minutes for the next one. I sat on the same bench as the other night, no bug this time though, thank god!
So now I'm back home. No idea what I'll do tonight or for my next two days. Hopefully I'll have fun. I'll let you know later.
posted by Unknown on
Sunday, June 18, 2006 § 0 comments
I have officially met three of them people I've been talking on the internet with for like months. No longer must I imagine what they look like. Yesterday afternoon I was just chatting along on MSN when I started talking to Kevin. It seemed he and Shanan both had the day off and were heading to the outlet mall. I wanted to go there desperately so I tagged along. It was much fun walking around with them. The mall has a Fossil store which made my day. I can get a Fossil watch for 30 dollars. That's insane!
After the mall we caught a bus over to Disney-MGM studios. It was my first time there since I got here. It's my fave park and it's where I'll be working so it was very cool. We went on the Great Movie Ride first. I love that ride. It may be slow and kind of mundane at times, but it's still fun and a good way to relax. After the Great Movie Ride we stumbled upon the Narnia Exhibit thing. I was expecting something really cool, it was slightly disappointing. There was like a room with a bunch of 'snow' covered trees. The White Witch made a small appearance then we were shown a bunch of clips from the movie. After that we went in this tiny little room with props from the movie. That was it. Nothing exciting at all. After Narnia we walked around a bit. Found New York street and took a couple fab photos. Oddly there's another street going of New York street that looks like it's supposed to be San Francisco but at the top of it there's a british phone booth and apparently some british signs. Can't really tell what the streets supposed to be. It was odd. I took some photos which I shall post soon.
After the confusion of San Francisco Street, if that's what it's called, we watched Muppets 3D which was nice and entertaining. I haven't seen it in years so it felt newish. We wanted food after Muppets but annoyingly the planned restaurant would only seat you if you had reservations so we settled upon the Prime Time Cafe. I love the place. It's food is horrible for you but the atmosphere is great. I had some fried chicken, gasp! It was good but I shall not eat it again. Luckily I'd eaten barely anything else all day. My waitress yelled at me for not eating my veggies (i think it was spinach but not sure. All I know is it wasn't going in my mouth). She didn't punish me or anything, though, which was nice.
We finished dinner just after ten and then dashed over to Fantasmic and watched the show. Until last night I hadn't seen the Disney World version. I only saw it once when I was eight at Disney Land. I've tried to see it every time we've been here but mom has had no interest. I could be working there, though, so I may see it every night for the rest of the summer.
After Fantasmic we left the park and headed for the bus stop....ok I just have to stop right now and tell you that I'm going nuts at this moment. One of my roomies has pringles and is eating them so loudly I want to throw something. The sound of people chewing is my biggest pet peeve but I've managed alright so far since I've been here but no one should be eating that loud. NO ONE!...anyways, we headed back to the bus but found that we'd just missed it so we had to wait for half an hour. Just as we sat down on a bench a massive bug walked over to us. It was the biggest bug I'd ever seen outside of a cage. It was over 2 inches long and had pincers. It looked like half scorpion half crap have beetle. I'm not sure what it was but it freaked me out. Freaked us all out. It just sat there and stared at us for like 10 minutes then suddenly it's got wings and it starts flying right at us. I screamed bloody murder. Shanan swore a lot. Not sure what Kevin did I was too concerned with my safety. So I ran. Shanan ran. The bug flew at us then in the other driection. At one point Shanan was running after it...not sure she realized. Eventually it did leave us alone although it hung out down near the next bench over.
The bus eventually arrived and we loaded on and headed back to Vista. It was a longish bus ride but I didn't mind. This guy wasn't driving nearly as bad as the dude that took us back from Epcot yesterday. I don't think that guy could drive within the lines.
When we got back we met up with Shayna, another internet pal, and headed to the pavilion where we stayed until about 3a.m. talking. At about that time we headed off for bed. It was great night and it was awesome to finally start meeting all those people I've been chatting too.
I'm off to get ready to head to Wal-Mart. I'm in need of work shoes and food. I believe I'm going to see a movie tonight with Charlotte and perhaps Helen. I'm not sure. We'll see.
I find out my job tomorrow. I'll make sure to let you know the moment I can get on the computer.
posted by Unknown on
Saturday, June 17, 2006 § 1 comments
I have officially been in the Parks. They are more packed then I've ever seen them but they are also quite fantastic. On Wednesday night I didn't have my ID yet but everyone in my apartment was going to go the the Magic Kingdom. My very nice roomie Laura offered to get me in on her guest pass so I go to go too! A huge group of us headed over to the park on the bus. We got dropped off at the TTC ( Transportation and Ticket Center) and somehow in the midst of fighting over wether to take the monorail or ferry to the park we lost Charlotte and Helen. So I made off with Kelly, Laura, Robin and a few people I don't remember the names of. They were all very nice though. We went to space mountain, decided the line was too long so we went on Stiches Great Escape. I liked it better when it was the scary version. After that we went on Buzz and I got a fabulously high score. Higher than ever before. Nothing as high as dad can get but it was great for me.
After Buzz we walked over to Fantasyland and walked right onto It's a Small World. It's a miracle the stong isn't stuck in my head. It was about 10 mins til closing after we got off Small World so we bolted over to Haunted Mansion and got on just before they closed. It was awesome as always.
I had thought we would leave after the Haunted Mansion but I had to stay cause everyone else wanted to watch spectromagic. I did not as I had traditions very early the next morning and it was already past 11. I watched it but didn't enjoy it as I was so anxious to get home and go to sleep. It would have been nice had I not been so worried. Even so the damn music from it is still stuck in my head two days later. I can't seem to make it leave.
I finally got home at around 12:40 and went straight to sleep.
Yesterday morning I got up early, got ready and headed to Traditions. Eight hours in a classroom learning about Disney. Most of it was okay, although there were parts I was so sure I would pass out. Our teacher was nice and enthusiastic, just a little long winded. It wasn't horrible or anything. I sat with four french people which was interesting. I couldn't really understand what they were saying most of the time, but oh well.
So after Traditions I came home and Helen and Charlotte were just about to head to the MK (Magic Kingdom) so I got ready and headed out with them. We got there and went straight for Splash Mountain. The line was 70 minutes but we really wanted to do it so we braved it and waited. Was a good chance to talk and get to know each other better, though. The ride was great. Charlotte, who is terrified of most rides and was freaked out about this one, loved it.
After that we went to Big Thunder (we'd gotten fast passes before getting in line at Splash Mountain). We walked pretty much right on the ride and as a bonus got the very front car. Charlotte and I sat in the very front. You feel the bumps and turns alot more up there. It was great.
After the ride we went to Pecos Bills and remembered we were broke so we had some fries and cheese sauce. Not healthy I know but it was enough to get us through the night and it didn't send up to bankruptcy.
After food we went and stood near mainstreet and waited for the fire works. The fireworks were awesome and very pretty. After the fireworks we went in the emporium and looked around then went home.
This morning Helen, Charlotte and I went to Epcot for awhile. It was very very hot and busy. Couldn't get on any of the good rides as the lines were hours long. So we did the lame-mediocre stuff. Then we headed home and now I'm here writing. I think I may go shopping to the outlet mall soon which should be fun. It has started to absolutely pour and I fear getting soaked but oh well.
Tata for now,
posted by Unknown on
Friday, June 16, 2006 § 2 comments
So apparently there are people out there just dying to read up on the adventures and misadventures of my summer in Disney World. I aim to please so I'll make sure to include all the exciting details of the past two days.
I guess I'm done, as there are no exciting details.
On to the boring ones!
I have five flat mates....the reasons for my British slang will be evident soon. Ryan who comes from Hong Kong, Kelly who comes from Wales, Helen who comes from Scotland, Laura who comes from Ireland and Charlotte who comes from England. All are vey nice and fun.
On Monday morning we all got up and trooped over to the Pavillion so we could get on a bus and head over to the Commons to have a 'housing talk'. It lasted about two hours and then we were brought back to Vista and had about two hours off to hang and eat lunch. It was about this time that Alberto started rearing his ugly head. It just poured and poured. I thought it was bad in B.C but it was nothing like here. At around 1 I had to leave the dry apartment to head over to the pavillion again. Luckily it's only across the road. Still soaked when I got there though. And in case you were wondering, Umbrellas aren't that helpful when the rain is coming at you from all sides.
At the Pavillion we had to go through all these stations to get officially 'checked in'. Took almost two hours and it was kind of boring. I got my ID at one of the stations. The photo is so horrible I shall never show a soul, except everyone who sees it when I have to show security. And my room mates have seen it. But none of you people ever will. They confinscate it at the end of summer.
After I was done that I came back to the room and met up with the other girls and we all headed to Wal Mart. Promised ourselves we wouldn't go over board but did anyways. Between the five of us (ryan went alone) we managed to buy about three full carts of stuff. There was no way it would all go on the bus so we had to take a cab back. It all filled up the entire trunk area.
After we got back we hung around for awhile. Robin (a girl from Canada) came over and we talked then played ping pong at the club house while the other girls swam. After that we call came back and went to bed.
This morning had to wake up at 8 and head back to the pavillion. I got to spend 3 hours on a bus waiting at Social Security. There were three bus loads of people going through. I got in about half way though. Then we had to wait for other to finish. It was incredibly boring. After all the kids on my bus were done we were driven to the outlet mall to get lunch. I had spaghetti. Then we had to go back to the Commons for another talk. This time it was all about forms and stuff. I foudn out I'll be working in MGM in the 'Sunset' area. Apparently I'm likely to be doing crowd control at parades and Fantasmic. Won't know for sure until Thursday though. Although I'm being told I might not know until Friday. It's all far too confusing.
After the talk came back home, hung around for a bit then Charlotte and I went to Downtown Disney and looked around a bit. We scouted out what her costume will be when she works at Goofy's Candy Co. The poor girl...
Now I'm back at the apartment staying up as late as I want to as I have nothing to do tomorrow. Some may find a day off alluring but I'm antsy not getting on with things. Plus what the hell am I going to do? Until I get to my Disney ID on thursday I can't get in the parks.
Anyways I've run out of things to say.
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 § 0 comments
My plane landed at about 7:30 this morning. It wasn't soon enough. It seemed to go on forever. When I got the airport last night they told me I'd been put in a middle seat. I couldn't believe it. I was so mad. Just ask my mom. The guy on the phone had said it was an aisle seat when we booked it! Anyways. Hung out at the airport with mom and dad for awhile then said goodbye and headed to my gate. It was nerve wrecking, waiting to board that flight. I was like almost the very last person to load as my row was called almost last. When I got there, someone was in my seat and the aisle seat was clear. Apparently the idiot airline had put me in a middle seat and split up a couple. So I got my aisle seat. The couple had a baby, though, which made things a little less nice. I think I might have gotten a total two hours sleep.
So we landed and I rushed down to baggage claim cause my plane was late and I was paranoid no one would be there to meet. As I frantically looked around a nice looking woman approached me and asked if I was "brynna?". I didn't say thank god, but I wanted to. Then the luggage took like half an hour to arrive. It was the most awful half hour ever. I was so tired I felt like I might tip over. When the luggage finally came the woman (I forget her name, I think it might have been Jessica) helped me lug it to the other end of the airport so we could meet up with some other kids who'd already arrived. There were six of us total on the bus to the residences.
Thankfully I was placed in Vista. I'd been so paranoid all week that I'd be put in the Treehouse Villas. They don't have internet access, and no one I know is there. When we got here I checked in and got my room key and headed off to unpack. I was the first of six of us to arrive, so I got my choice of beds. I chose the farthest one from the living room to avoid noise.
After unpacking I crashed, only to wake up two hours later shivering and aching. I'd turned the air conditioning on way too high earlier. I thought for sure I had the flu. I had to leave the apt immediately and sit in the sweltering heat outside until my jaw stopped clacking. Then I unpacked some more. Eventually my first room mate Helen arrived. She's quite a nice girl. We talked for a while then walked to Walgreens then cabbed it to Wal-Mart. I needed a pillow bad and wasn't willing to wait for the free bus ride tomorrow. So I went and got my new cell phone, two pillows, a mattress topper (the beds here are so uncomfortable). I also got some food. I have to go back tomorrow though cause there was too much stuff to carry all in one trip.
After Wal-Mart came back, found three more girls had moved in. Two of them I've seen for maybe four minutes total. No idea where they are now. A while later Laura, an Irish girl showed up. She unpacked then, her Helen and I walked to Wendy's for dinner. We came back, they went to bed, I showered. Now here I am. It has been a long and uneventful day. I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow which sucks. Oh well.
Anyways, I don't know if there is much else to say so I'll leave it at that.
More tomorrow,
posted by Unknown on
Sunday, June 11, 2006 § 3 comments
I woke up this morning and it hit me, this is it. I'm going. This is the last time I'll wake up in my bed for something like 85 days. It's a wierd feeling. Tonight I sleep at Aunt Teresa's house and then tomorrow I don't even get a bed, just an umcomfortable seat on an airplane. It's sort of surreal. Like I never thought it would actually happen. I think it really is going to, though!
Last night I said my final goodbyes to Amanda and Tabi. I'm gonna miss those two. We went out with my parents to Gina's Mexican Cafe which was yummy. My enchilada wasn't quite as good last night as it was last time I was there. Oh well.
Just so you know, my blog finally is updating. Apparently it only wasn't doing it on my computer. Everyone else could see it just fine. Wierdness.
Last night I dreamt that Disney was a job/summer camp/magic school. It was in all fairness, one of the wierdest dreams I've ever had. I got bit by some shark and started growing a fin on my foot. The 'proffessor' got it off, though. But then I had to have stitches, so instead of doing it from the inside he turned himself into a miniscule little bug size thing and crawled in my leg and stitched me up from the inside. I think I might be disturbed. Or I ate something wierd before bed.
Just so you know, I'm not just freaked out about Disney. I woke up this morning and like my most important Creative Writing Class in Septemeber is full. I'm gonna have to waitlist now. Stupid late registration date.
Anyways,I can't beleive I'm leaving so soon. Something like 40 hours from now and I'll be in Orlando. Okay, I should go, cause apparently I've still some things left to pack. Don't let me forget my IPOD.
posted by Unknown on
Friday, June 09, 2006 § 0 comments
My blog still isn't updating properly. I'm going to hit something soon. It won't even post my recent posts unless you like click on the archives and then navigate through them. It's ridiculous!
I have two days left to go. It's odd. Tonight is my last night in my big comfy bed. I'm going out to dinner with some people tonight. It's going to be nice. Then it's over to the mainland to see the rest of my family before heading to Seattle Saturday morning. My flight now leaves 17 minutes later which is annoying. Oh well. We're going to Outback steakhouse in Seattle which I'm looking forward too. Ribs!
I'm almost positive I'm going to buy myself an Archos PVR this summer. In case you don't know what that's like a big video IPOD but better. You can tape stuff directly from your TV and everything. It's great. Really expensive but great. Yesterday I went nuts researching prices and stuff. It's way cheaper to buy in the states than in Canada. Like $200 cheaper.
I'm very hungry now, and my dad is trying to kick me off so he can load web cam software. So I'll be back later.
posted by Unknown on
Thursday, June 08, 2006 § 0 comments
This damn blog will be the death of me I swear. I've been trying for over an hour now to update it and take it out of it's boring misery. I've found myself a fab template and everything; the stupid thing just isn't working! If anyone else is using this damn site and has any idea of how I can fix this without going nuts please let me know.
On to other things. My flight takes off in less than 72 hours. I'm a bit dithery with excitement. Of course I'm also freaked out. But we've been over all that already! I've been having some crazy dreams these past few days. Thankfully last night not one relayed my anxieties about WDW. Instead I dreamnt an entire episode of Veronica was actually quite a good episode. Logan (Veronica's on again off again boyfriend) was particularily great. Perhaps it's my brain telling me I should write for TV. My other dream was actually quite horrifying. I know I had a gun, I know people were trying to kill me. I know I was in some wierd hotel and we (people I was with. Don't remember exactly who was there) couldn't find any stairs or an elevator to get off the damn floor. People coming at us trying to kill us. You'll be glad to know we got out safe. On the sucky side I think I had to kill a bunch of evil people. Then when we got out (by climbing down a rope ladder that broke the minute we were all safely on ground) we found ourselves in a backlot of a movie studio with Halle Berry. Whatever that means I don't know. Perhaps salavtion = Halle Berry? Although I quite prefer Jason Dohring myself (Logan on Veronica Mars)
In other news, I had a completely boring day! We, by we I mean mostly my mom, did most of my packing. There are only a few things left to gather. I read some of my book. Watched a movie with my parents. It was as mundane as can be. Tomorrow is my last full day at home. I'm taking Tabi for her driving test in the morning. Then I hope to come home and sleep. Then out for dinner with the 'rents, Tabi and Amanda (hopefully she didn't forget!).
Anyways, I'm going to go fiddle around with this damn thing for awhile. If I don't figure it out soon I may do something rash. If you want to see how funky it could be, just click on the title of any one of my posts in the left hand sidebar. For some reason it comes up there.
Until we meet again,
posted by Unknown on
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 § 1 comments
It's getting really close. I mean really really close. It's exact closeness: 4 days and 9.5 hours until my flight leaves. That means 4 days and and about 15.5 hours until I'm actually in Florida. It's freaking freaky. Of course I'm excited. I'm also scared out of my wits. I have no idea where I'll live and where I'll work. It's a bit unsettling not knowing.
Last night my parents and I went to see the Break Up. I liked all but the last twenty minutes, then it just went downhill. It was really funny, though. Just something I would'nt buy. On the plus side I dreamed an alternate ending last night, which is how I wanted it to end.
It seems to be a trend these days, movies ending not how I wanted them to end. First it was X-Men, now the Break Up. To tell you the truth the ending of Poseidon wasn't that great either. And I hated the end of the Da Vinci Code. I think I'm sensing a pattern. If either Superman or Pirates end crappy I'm going to boycott the movies.
Oh and yesterday we went to future shop to take in my PVR for repairs (stupid thing keeps crapping out) and I found season four of Buffy for $30. You wouldn't believe my excitement. In fact every season is on for $30. I could only buy number four though cause I have the first three and didn't have enough for the more than one. I'm kinda broke these days. Anyways I was on cloud nine cause I've been trying to get the rest of the seasons for ages but each of them has always been around $60 and I never have the much money. So it was pretty exciting. I plan on getting the rest this summer.
I know my life amounts to a bunch of boring drivel at the moment but like I said earlier, everything picks up in like four days. You may wonder why I titled this blog twitchy. It's cause I am. Twitchy that is. I'm such a mess of nerves and excitement that I've started to randomly twitch.
Tonight Tabi and I are hanging. It should be fun. I'm gonna miss her!
More from my boring life later,
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 § 0 comments

First of all...OH MY GOD I TOUCHED J.D FORTUNE!!!!!! If you're not aware of who that is (shame on you if you don't) he is the hot hot hot new lead singer of the band INXS. I saw them live on Thursday night and it was freaking fantastic. My hearing still isn't back to normal and it's been two days. My seats were pretty good but turned great when J.D hopped off stage and ran down the left side aisle of the floor passing by right where I was sitting in third row plaza. Sensing an opportunity I immediately ran down the stairs and was just in time to reach out and grab his shoulder. It was magical. Another highlight of the night: the old guy sitting on the floor a few rows away from me. He was dancing like nobody's business.
After the concert, which I attended with my aunt teresa and mother, we headed back to the hotel room my mom and I were staying in. My three cousins: Hannah, 11; Sarah, 10: and Nyla, 3 had been hanging out there with my Aunt Robin and her girlfriend Marnie. Once they all evacuated the room I promptly crashed. Yesterday was spent walking around the big bad city all by myself. I did a little shopping and bought a great skirt and tank at the Gap. I also got these awesome Keds which I've just discovered were created by the devil. In just one hour I've acquire three blisters.
After my day of shopping I met up with Jei and her mother. Jei is another Disney freak like myself. She will be heading down for the year long program about nine days after me. We had the best burgers ever at this place called Modern Burger. After that we trolled around the city for awhile before they dropped me back at my hotel. I finished the evening by sharing a delectable white chocolate brownie from Moxie's with my mother.
Now I'm at my Aunt Teresa's house. I'll be here for the night before heading back to the island tomorrow night. My mom's off at her cruise conference so I won't be seeing her until we meet up to catch the ferry home.
In exactly one week and 6 hours I will be boarding my flight and heading for Florida. I'm giddy with excitement and ill with fear. My final week countdown has commenced.
Until later,
posted by Unknown on
Saturday, June 03, 2006 § 0 comments