This damn blog will be the death of me I swear. I've been trying for over an hour now to update it and take it out of it's boring misery. I've found myself a fab template and everything; the stupid thing just isn't working! If anyone else is using this damn site and has any idea of how I can fix this without going nuts please let me know.On to other things. My flight takes off in less than 72 hours. I'm a bit dithery with excitement. Of course I'm also freaked out. But we've been over all that already! I've been having some crazy dreams these past few days. Thankfully last night not one relayed my anxieties about WDW. Instead I dreamnt an entire episode of Veronica was actually quite a good episode. Logan (Veronica's on again off again boyfriend) was particularily great. Perhaps it's my brain telling me I should write for TV. My other dream was actually quite horrifying. I know I had a gun, I know people were trying to kill me. I know I was in some wierd hotel and we (people I was with. Don't remember exactly who was there) couldn't find any stairs or an elevator to get off the damn floor. People coming at us trying to kill us. You'll be glad to know we got out safe. On the sucky side I think I had to kill a bunch of evil people. Then when we got out (by climbing down a rope ladder that broke the minute we were all safely on ground) we found ourselves in a backlot of a movie studio with Halle Berry. Whatever that means I don't know. Perhaps salavtion = Halle Berry? Although I quite prefer Jason Dohring myself (Logan on Veronica Mars)
In other news, I had a completely boring day! We, by we I mean mostly my mom, did most of my packing. There are only a few things left to gather. I read some of my book. Watched a movie with my parents. It was as mundane as can be. Tomorrow is my last full day at home. I'm taking Tabi for her driving test in the morning. Then I hope to come home and sleep. Then out for dinner with the 'rents, Tabi and Amanda (hopefully she didn't forget!).
Anyways, I'm going to go fiddle around with this damn thing for awhile. If I don't figure it out soon I may do something rash. If you want to see how funky it could be, just click on the title of any one of my posts in the left hand sidebar. For some reason it comes up there.
Until we meet again,
Glad to see it's working sweetie, I thought you might pitch the laptop out the window...and you're right it's a fab template!