First of all...OH MY GOD I TOUCHED J.D FORTUNE!!!!!! If you're not aware of who that is (shame on you if you don't) he is the hot hot hot new lead singer of the band INXS. I saw them live on Thursday night and it was freaking fantastic. My hearing still isn't back to normal and it's been two days. My seats were pretty good but turned great when J.D hopped off stage and ran down the left side aisle of the floor passing by right where I was sitting in third row plaza. Sensing an opportunity I immediately ran down the stairs and was just in time to reach out and grab his shoulder. It was magical. Another highlight of the night: the old guy sitting on the floor a few rows away from me. He was dancing like nobody's business.
After the concert, which I attended with my aunt teresa and mother, we headed back to the hotel room my mom and I were staying in. My three cousins: Hannah, 11; Sarah, 10: and Nyla, 3 had been hanging out there with my Aunt Robin and her girlfriend Marnie. Once they all evacuated the room I promptly crashed. Yesterday was spent walking around the big bad city all by myself. I did a little shopping and bought a great skirt and tank at the Gap. I also got these awesome Keds which I've just discovered were created by the devil. In just one hour I've acquire three blisters.
After my day of shopping I met up with Jei and her mother. Jei is another Disney freak like myself. She will be heading down for the year long program about nine days after me. We had the best burgers ever at this place called Modern Burger. After that we trolled around the city for awhile before they dropped me back at my hotel. I finished the evening by sharing a delectable white chocolate brownie from Moxie's with my mother.
Now I'm at my Aunt Teresa's house. I'll be here for the night before heading back to the island tomorrow night. My mom's off at her cruise conference so I won't be seeing her until we meet up to catch the ferry home.
In exactly one week and 6 hours I will be boarding my flight and heading for Florida. I'm giddy with excitement and ill with fear. My final week countdown has commenced.
Until later,