A horrible realization!
Before I get started on telling you all about my day yesterday I must relay this dastardly realization I had this morning. I was just lying in bed attempting to drift back to sleep when it occurred to me, next week I work until 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Then on Thursday I work at 10:00a.m. That's only like 9.5 hours apart! You may say, 's'alright, won't be too bad'. You must account for the buses though! If I'm super super lucky I may get the 1:47 bus home and be back by 2:30. If I'm no lucky though and miss that I'll be on the 2:17 bus and will arrive back sometime around 3:a.m. Then I have to be up at like 8:30 the next morning so I can catch the 9a.m. bus! Im going to be dead to the world...and get this. That's the day of my assessment! I'm going to be nodding off while they are trying to test me and figure out if I'm good enough to run the ride! Oh the horror!Now that I've finished telling you this horrible tale, I'm sure you are all shaking in your seats, I'll tell about what I did yesterday.
So at about 1:20 Charlotte and I hopped on, well I'm not sure which bus it was but it took us to the commons. So we got to the Commons and jumped out and started to walk over to the Outlet Malls! This involves crossing the most giant Church parking lot in the history of the world. It also has a very massive church. Once we got to the other side and we began to troll through the mall. I dragged Charlotte in almost every single store. We started at the Gap then worked our way around. I found some very nice jeans at Levi's, but as I don't really need jeans in this weather I figured I'd leave em' til August. We went in every shoe store and I found tons of pairs I want. I found Nine West Sandals for $20. I didn't buy them cause they didn't seem practical, but it was a nice thought. Maybe if I can ever learn to walk in anything higher than two inches...
After some time we started to tire so we stopped at TCBY which serves nummy frozen yogurt in the ice creamiest flavours. I had a small one with a scoop of chocolate chip mint and a scoop of vanilla brownie swirl. Nummy! Just as tasty at Ice Cream but half the calories! Charlotte just got a massive coke. After we finished we went in this store Charlotte loves called Papaya. It was one of the those stores where I size L is about a size small or extra small in any other normal store. Needless to say I did not fit in...lol. So I left and took a quick gander at Samsonite where I found a great little turquoise backpack for $40. I did not buy it because it was so expensive, but it was a thought. Maybe another day. It had a padded slot for my computer and everything. After that I went to some underwear store and considered buying a bunch of new ones so I wouldn't have to do laundry, then I remembered I still have enough left to not have to do laundry til about Saturday, so I didn't buy any.
After Charlotte was done in Papaya we walked over to Fossil where I gazed longingly at watches and purses. Didn't buy any yet, though, as I'm still considering saving my money and getting this really nice watch at Disney. Then we walked over to Sketchers where I found these awesome shoes. They are black sandals with very squishy soles. We'd been walking around for about 3.5 hours by then and my flip flop clad feet were screaming at me. The minute I tried those sandals on I was in heaven. The pain almost completely went away. So I bought them. Luckily they were onsale from $43 dollars to $25! Even better because of my Disney status I got this discount book which gave me 20% off at Sketchers. So in the end I payed like $21 which was awesome. Best purchase of my life. Well maybe not, but certainly of my week.
So after I bought my sandals we decided it was time to go as we'd been there 4 hours and we were quite hot and sore. We stalked back across the giant church parking lot and into the Commons where our bus showed up seconds later and we hopped on. About thirty minutes after we got back Laura and Kelly arrived home and the four of us went to the pool. I think we swam for nearly three hours. It was quite fun, although the nearing thunder and lightning was a bit frightening. Never hit us though!
*Fun Fact: In the Disney parks there are tons of little metal rods on the tops of the buildings...Lightning rods. They'd rather the lightning strike those then the guests. The Mickey on top of the tall thing at the front of MGM has a giant copper ear for the very same purpose!*
After swimming we came back to the apartment and dried off then walked over to Bennigans, an Irish themed burger place. I had a Peppercorn Bluecheese Hamburger Pita which was fabulous. And mom (she doesn't believe I'm eating enough veggies) instead of fries I had steamed broccoli. The burger pita thing was very cool. Instead of a bun they fill a pita with all the burger stuff. Quite nice. It even had those little dusted onion things that I love so much. The only way I will eat onions.
After dinner came home, hung out on my comp for awhile then read then went to sleep. The phone rang at 9a.m. this morning so I've been up since then. I'm dead tired but my room was way to bright and warm to sleep in. May go to walmart to get a sheet to hang over it.
Now that I've relayed all the details of my life to you I don't know what else to say. I start my work on the Rockin Roller Coaster tomorrow. Woohoo! I'm excited, except the fact that I must wear my dastardly costume on the bus does freak me out a bit. I don't think it's fair to make me wear it in public. I must remember that everyone else looks just as crap in their costumes as I. Well not all of them, there are quite a few who look just fine in their uniforms. I must try not to hate them.
Ooo have I told you about my status as bug treat. Apparently bugs just love to eat me. I'm the only one of my roommates with a myriad of bites on me. Oddly they all seem to be occurring on my left side, but I have a few. Three tiny little ones on my left arm. No idea what those are from. Then on my left side I've got three massive, angry red bites in a row. One day I only had one, the next day I had two then the next day I had three. I'm not pleased. Bugs suck! Oh and last night we saw a massive beetle or cockroach climbing the side of the building outside our door. EWWW!! Wasn't as big as the bug from the other night but it was enough to freak me out a bit.
I've a challenge for all of you, send me emails, tell me what's going on with you. I feel very disconnected from you peoples. Here I am sharing ever last detail of my life with you yet I've no idea what the hell you guys are up to! So send in the emails. I'm starting to feel like no one loves me. It seems I only get emails from the House of Blues concert updater!
I should go now, I've noticed I've become a bit fond of the exclamation point. I must work on not using it so much. Have a nice day all, although I doubt many of you are awake right now...
Loved your blog today honey, even the spelling is getting better. So sorry to hear about your lack of sleep between shifts, wake up, you're in the real world now! Here's hoping your new shoes will leave you blister-free. Later! Mommy