they have faces now...
I have officially met three of them people I've been talking on the internet with for like months. No longer must I imagine what they look like. Yesterday afternoon I was just chatting along on MSN when I started talking to Kevin. It seemed he and Shanan both had the day off and were heading to the outlet mall. I wanted to go there desperately so I tagged along. It was much fun walking around with them. The mall has a Fossil store which made my day. I can get a Fossil watch for 30 dollars. That's insane!After the mall we caught a bus over to Disney-MGM studios. It was my first time there since I got here. It's my fave park and it's where I'll be working so it was very cool. We went on the Great Movie Ride first. I love that ride. It may be slow and kind of mundane at times, but it's still fun and a good way to relax. After the Great Movie Ride we stumbled upon the Narnia Exhibit thing. I was expecting something really cool, it was slightly disappointing. There was like a room with a bunch of 'snow' covered trees. The White Witch made a small appearance then we were shown a bunch of clips from the movie. After that we went in this tiny little room with props from the movie. That was it. Nothing exciting at all. After Narnia we walked around a bit. Found New York street and took a couple fab photos. Oddly there's another street going of New York street that looks like it's supposed to be San Francisco but at the top of it there's a british phone booth and apparently some british signs. Can't really tell what the streets supposed to be. It was odd. I took some photos which I shall post soon.
After the confusion of San Francisco Street, if that's what it's called, we watched Muppets 3D which was nice and entertaining. I haven't seen it in years so it felt newish. We wanted food after Muppets but annoyingly the planned restaurant would only seat you if you had reservations so we settled upon the Prime Time Cafe. I love the place. It's food is horrible for you but the atmosphere is great. I had some fried chicken, gasp! It was good but I shall not eat it again. Luckily I'd eaten barely anything else all day. My waitress yelled at me for not eating my veggies (i think it was spinach but not sure. All I know is it wasn't going in my mouth). She didn't punish me or anything, though, which was nice.
We finished dinner just after ten and then dashed over to Fantasmic and watched the show. Until last night I hadn't seen the Disney World version. I only saw it once when I was eight at Disney Land. I've tried to see it every time we've been here but mom has had no interest. I could be working there, though, so I may see it every night for the rest of the summer.
After Fantasmic we left the park and headed for the bus stop....ok I just have to stop right now and tell you that I'm going nuts at this moment. One of my roomies has pringles and is eating them so loudly I want to throw something. The sound of people chewing is my biggest pet peeve but I've managed alright so far since I've been here but no one should be eating that loud. NO ONE!...anyways, we headed back to the bus but found that we'd just missed it so we had to wait for half an hour. Just as we sat down on a bench a massive bug walked over to us. It was the biggest bug I'd ever seen outside of a cage. It was over 2 inches long and had pincers. It looked like half scorpion half crap have beetle. I'm not sure what it was but it freaked me out. Freaked us all out. It just sat there and stared at us for like 10 minutes then suddenly it's got wings and it starts flying right at us. I screamed bloody murder. Shanan swore a lot. Not sure what Kevin did I was too concerned with my safety. So I ran. Shanan ran. The bug flew at us then in the other driection. At one point Shanan was running after it...not sure she realized. Eventually it did leave us alone although it hung out down near the next bench over.
The bus eventually arrived and we loaded on and headed back to Vista. It was a longish bus ride but I didn't mind. This guy wasn't driving nearly as bad as the dude that took us back from Epcot yesterday. I don't think that guy could drive within the lines.
When we got back we met up with Shayna, another internet pal, and headed to the pavilion where we stayed until about 3a.m. talking. At about that time we headed off for bed. It was great night and it was awesome to finally start meeting all those people I've been chatting too.
I'm off to get ready to head to Wal-Mart. I'm in need of work shoes and food. I believe I'm going to see a movie tonight with Charlotte and perhaps Helen. I'm not sure. We'll see.
I find out my job tomorrow. I'll make sure to let you know the moment I can get on the computer.
Just going to leave a random comment :P
I really like your blog, its very colourful, mines more a boring grey colour oh well.
Anyway onto the whole point of my comment - the bug was an Aligator Tick which are supposidly completely harmless or so my trainer told me and i tend to believe her since she comes from Florida.
She did say though that it has a tendency to freak guests out :P Having never seen one i cant really comment.
Well glad your enjoying yourself