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Okay, okay, I know it's been an eternity since I last updated. I'm truly sorry. I do have some good excuses though, and I will list them out for you now.1) I've been extremely busy working. I'm not lying. I had six days of work straight, one day off, then two more days...until today, which I am off. And tomorrow. Then I have six more days...
2) My computer, my lovely tablet HP, decided it was through with me and stopped working on I think it might have been Sunday...maybe Monday. The days are blurring. Of course it decided to crap out just as I finished typing up a couple thousand word synopsis of Starkissed (novel I wrote) and I had no back up...
3) I haven't had alot to report. I mean work pretty much consumes my life, day in day out. But now I do have a few things, so listen up.
So from my last day off until the 18th, I did six days of work. Nothing really to report in there. Four of those days were training, one was my assessment, and one was an actual real working shift. I'm happy to report things are getting easier, but also hotter. On Sunday I think, I got sent home from my training shift because the heat made me so sick I started to throw up. Not so good. I'm still trying to handle it though. I don't really want to go make a stink about being outside and getting sick, but if it happens again, I probably will have to.
Wednesday was my day off. I didn't do much during the day. Hung around the apartment with my roommates and watched mindless television. But Wednesday night was awesome. Matt Hughes, myself, and my roommate Alex went to see Spring Awakening downtown at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre. It was amazing. I didn't really know too much about the play. I'd seen a bit from when they were doing it at the school in the first season of 90210 (btw I in no way beleive a highschool would ever allow their drama department to perform this play). I also knew Leach Michelle and Jonathan Groff of Glee originated the male and female lead roles. That one fact alone made me want to see it. I didn't really know what it was about though, or what the music was like.
First things first, I loved it I swear. But I also kinda disliked it. I'm wildly torn. The music was sensational. It was like being at a concert. The energy, the writing, and voices. I would go again and again just to hear those songs performed. Go download the soundtrack, everyone. You'll love it. Where I had issues was the plot, see for the first quarter of the play, I had no idea what was going on. It took me a long time to figure out the time period, location, everything...but once I did it was alright. It's basically a story of all these 18th century kids coming of age. Good stuff, some really funny stuff too. But the end didn't sit great with me.
I loved the songs.
So Thursday I didn't start work until 2pm. Just before I was supposed to leave, the new netbook I'd ordered on Amazon arrived. Thank god. Because I was really starting to go nuts without the internet.
Work was alright, nothing special.
Friday I worked again. Afterwards I met up with Elliot (coaster friend from back in the day) and we went to the Studios. I rode coaster for the first time since I arrived. I admit, I was full of bitter nostalgia. We met up with Ryan Morse backstage for a while, and then when we went to see Fantasmic we found Chase Mine and Jimmy Snell. Reunion circa 2006.
After Fantasmic Elliot and I went to the Ale House and met up with Jimmy and Ryan. We stayed there until 1am. Then it was back home and off to bed.
Today's been good. I went to Cast Connection and Property control and got some swell stuff. In particular this really funky bag that I love. It was there because it's got a stain on the front, but I barely noticed it. I got it for super cheap, so I'm thrilled!
Not sure what I'll do tonight. Thinking of going to see a movie. We'll see.
Nothing left to report. Lost finale tomorrow night, so I'm all a tizzy. Can't wait.
thanks for the update! But one question: what the heck is your job? I know it involves food but that's it. What sort of people do you serve?
And yes, i am all a-tizzy with the Lost finale coming up, too!