Three years in the making...
So it's been about three years since I last posted to this blog. I kind of went back and forth, trying to decide whether to use my newer blog, an absolute new blog, or this blog to record my summer. This blog won because the other one is not Disney enough and I'm too lazy to go make a brand new 'Disney World' blog.So here is the deal. In 2006 and 2007 I participated in Walt Disney World's International Summer College Program. Both summers I had the time of my life and worked at the Rock'n Rollercoaster in MGM Studios (now Disney's Hollywood Studios). So after a nearly three year absense from my beloved WDW (not including two vacations I took in '08) I've finally returned to Disney as a Cast Member and in three days I'll officially have my nametag. Unfortunately I wasn't able to snag another attractions role, which believe me, devestated enough, so I'm working Quick Service Food and Beverage. Something I'm not entirely thrilled about, but hey, at least I'm here.
I left Victoria yesterday at 3:04pm on United flight 6055. 1.5 hours later I landed in San Fransico, endured a two hour stop over (where I ate a giant bowl of soup for dinner), and then jumped on another plane that took me to Los Angeles. Not such a fan of LAX. The airport is loud, crowded, and kind of outdated. The waiting area at my gate didn't have nearly enough seats and I couldn't find an outlet anywhere to plug my computer in. I ended up buying Chex Mix and a neck pillow and chilling until my flight finall boarded around 10pm. My flight from LA to Orlando was just short of five hours, and as hard as I tried, I barely slept at all. All in all, I probably garnered about 2 hours of rest. I had a window seat, not my first choice. I much prefer the aisle. Especially condsidering the two girls beside me fell asleep cutting off my access to the bathroom. Not that I had to go, but the minute you can't go, it's all you think about.
Anyways, my flight touched down at MCO just after 6am. I collected my luggage and then met up with two other ICPer's to grab some breakfast before catching a shuttle to Vista Way at 730am. We arrived at VW at exactly 8am and were told we were the first ICPs to arrive. It was nice not to have to deal with lines or anything, and it's kind of cool to be first! After being given our forms and apartment keys, we were driven off to our new homes. I'm in Apartment 412 at Vista Way. It's a top floor apartment, which is new to me as the past two programs I did, I was in bottom floor apartments. I'll post pictures eventually, but for a quick run down, it's a two bedroom (meaning I only have 3 roomies, as opposed to 5 the last two times) and both bedrooms have ensuite bathrooms! The living room is bright because of the giant windows, and the kithen is a bit tiny and outdated, but usable. Another plus, it seems they've replaced the living room carpets with laminate...or maybe it's wood, so that looks really nice. And is so much easier to clean.
I spent most of my morning in a hazy sleepy state. I unpacked my bags, set up my wireless router, and did a bit of interneting before crawling into my bed (which I comprised using a towel, a tiny Harry Potter fleece blanket, and decorative cushion I stole from a couch back home). I think I grabbed another couple hours sleep in total. I finally woke up at 1230pm (930am home time) and had a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on some of my new "Florida" clothes. I stepped outside briefly and was reaquainted with the midday Florida heat. It's not even as hot as it's going to get this summer and I'm already hiding in my air conditioned apartment.
It's almost three now and I'm waiting for Alex (who I met during my 2007 program) to get to Vista. Looks like housing listened to our begging and she's one of my new roommates!
No idea what the plan is for tonight. A trip to Wal-Mart is imminent, and perhaps dinner at Downtown Disney.
Until tomorrow,
Glad to hear you made it in one piece! Oh, how I shall live vicariously through your posts for the next few months. Enjoy your next couple of days before work officially starts, and glad to hear you got the roomie you wanted :o)
Take care & be well. Love,
Aunt T.