Peanut Butter
Alright, now that I have a few minutes to sit down I guess I'll update this thing. So it's officially been one week and one hour since I departed Victoria. It's been one hell of a week, and it feels like I haven't been home in months, not just a week! It's just been such a packed week, I've barely had time to breathe, whereas at home I'm never ever busy like this. I'm not used to having somewhere to be ALL THE TIME.Wednesday I had Traditions at Disney University. For those uninformed, it's a class Disney gives to all new Cast Members to learn the history of the company. Unfortunately because i'm qualified College Program, this version of Traditions was severely abreviated. In 2006 on my first program, I attended an 8 hour class. Wednesdays was 4 hrs, and we spent an hour of it over Magic Kingdom for a pointless 10 minute excercise. So basically in 06 I had 8 hrs of learning and this year, 3 hrs. Anyways, the good parts of Traditions are that we finally got our Disney ID's that get us into the parks, as well as our new nametags.
After class, we headed home and changed, then a group of us went to the Magic Kingdom. The nice part of Orlando in early May is that it isn't really busy. Most rides were 10 minute waits at the most. We made it on to Pirates, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Philharmagic, and Space Mountain all in the span of only a few hours.
At around 530 we (Alex, my roommate, and I) headed back to Vista Way and met up with our other roomies Vicky and Emily (two very nice British girls) and we all got ready along with a couple other Brits for that nights big College Program Formal. Unfortunately we didn't know about this thing until like two days before, and with orientation and what not, no time to shop. So I wore a brown sundress which wasn't very formal at all. It was held at the convention centre at Coronodo Springs and the room we were in was massive. Football field length and width, in the least. There were probably thousands of us there. They had a DJ, a ton of catered food, characters, and a 'Vegas Room' .
It was pretty fun and the food wasn't bad at all. It was kind of like being at Prom again, except it was a bit nicer. We were all quite tired from being up so early for Traditions so we headed back to Vista around 11pm and went to bed.
The next day was my only day off this week. I ended up tagging along with Vicky, Emily, and a group of others to Animal Kingdom. It was a pretty good day. We got on It's Tough to be a Bug, Everest, Safari, Dinosaur, and Primevil Whirl. I'm going to be working Outdoor Foods at AK so I spent a fair amount of time staring at carts and bemoaning the hot weather. On the bright side, at least most of the carts had fans.
After the park, we headed back to Vista and I met Matt and his roommate for Dinner at a place called Cracker Barrell. Then home and to bed.
This brings us to yesterday. I had an orientation class to Animal Kingdom called DAKlimations. It was basically like a power point presentation on the park followed by a walking tour, and then lunch and a trip to costuming to get our costumes. It was an alright day. The park is huge so walking the entire thing was a task. Especially in dress pants. I looked a mess by the end of the thing.
My costume isn't terrible, it's basically a pair of khaki shorts and a khaki shirt (although the color is refered to as Peanut Butter).
After DAKlimations headed home and showered, then realized I'd grabbed the wrong size shorts - funny thing about Disney, just because two pairs of shorts are technically the same size, they really aren't the same size. They can fit way different. So after lamenting the fact I had to return to costuming eventually, I headed to Wal-Mart to get some brown shoes for work, and some groceries as well. Got home around 7 and was in bed by 9.
Today I had a three hour class at Disney University for Food Service. It wasn't really anything new and was a bit slow, but I got out of there by 1130 so it didn't eat up my entire day. After I got home, I had lunch and then headed to costuming again and got the right shorts. Then back to Vista where I hung out the rest of the afternoon. A little while ago I met Matt and Brendan (both whom I met at Coaster in 06 btw) and we had dinner at Chik-Fil-A. And that brings me to now.
Not much else to report. I have training tomorrow at 8am and really am not liking these super early mornings. The DAK bus is so lengthy that I have to get up way earlier than when I did working at Coaster. Sigh.
My next days off are Tuesday, Wednesday. Looks like I might finally get to see Joey so that's awesome!
Alright, going to go hulu some more shows then try and sleep.
Sounds like you're having so much fun! Can't wait to read more! :D