June has come so soon.
I don't have alot of things figured out these days, but one thing I have got figured out is my hair. I've gone through my fair share of haircuts over the past 22 years. There was the awkward mushroom cut when I was 8, then another awkward incident in 1999 that left me with the most awkward hair style ever given to a self concious 12 year old girl, there was the superbly long hair that everyone loved and admired til I chopped it off in 12th(?) grade. There were the bangs, added I might add, a full year before everyone in the world started wearing bangs again. The streaks - brassy blonde, dark red. My hair has been chopped and changed a million times, but just over a year ago I discovered THE cut. Perfect. You know the one, if you've seen me, longer in the front, short and layered in the back. I love this haircut. Unfortunately, it is completely and totally irrelevent in Florida.Now don't get me wrong, with a blow dryer and flat iron I can style my hair perfectly here, and sometimes it stays that way for a while, but between the rain, sweat, and humidity, it just doesn't last. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but really, it's awful. My poor hair goes all thick and coarse, it poofs and limps, the bottom right side flips out a la Carol Brady, but the left side flips under. My bangs kind of wither. It's depressing. By the time I get home after work I look ridiculous. The one thing I have going for me these days, gone.
I've been working ice cream carts the past couple days whic is why I'm lamenting. Being stuck outside, in the elements, just makes it worse. Today, I hadn't even dragged my drink cart out ot my location before the rain started to poor. By the time I got there I was drenched, my hair and makeup were a wash, and I didn't dry out for hours. On my break I shivered until I couldn't stand it anymore in the breakroom. Then of course when the sun finally came out, it was so hot I wished the rain back.
I was off on Friday and Saturady. I had a couple pretty good days. On Friday I went to Wal-Mart in the afternoon, then I went to Magic Kingdom with my roomies and a few others. We saw the last Wishes of the summer (a new fireworks show is now playing) and hit a couple of rides. Got home pretty late and went to bed.
Saturday I woke up pretty early and took myself to Downtown Disney. I finally made it to Earl of Sandwich, been craving it since I got here. After that I walked over to AMC theater and watched Killers, the new Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl movie. It was good, but kind of disappointing. I feel like it was a great concept with a terrible script. It was mildly contrived, and just didn't make sense in places. On the other hand, Ashton Kutcher was hot. So...
After the movie I headed home and hung around the apartment for awhile. Then I went to Sweet Tomatoes with Vicki, Emily, and Carrie (British Girl on program). After dinner we walked to Downtown Disney (Too long a walk, shall never do it again) and we saw Get Him To The Greek which was beyond hilarious. Raunchy yes, and a bit out there, but I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard.
Then of course I've been back at work the past couple of days.
Sad news, Emily is going home. She's homesick and has decided to leave. She goes tomorrow. It's going to suck without her...we shall miss her dearly here in Apartment 412.
Nothing else to report.
Glad to see you blog again! Florida sounds mostly good, except for the food cart thingy....is it rainy season all summer long? Stupid rain. We have mucho grande rain here as well, although today some reprieve. It'll be back tomorrow for several more days. Summer may just start in July sometime! Keep bloggin' so we can experience the magic 2nd hand! Hugs,
Aunt T.