Feeling Blue, in the literal sense
I was just going to make a bunch of random status updates to post on Facebook, but figured mushing it all together in one blog might be a bit more sound of mind. So here we go!Left yesterday for Disney World! Yay.
My flight took off from Victoria at about 645pm to a tune of 11 passengers. The plane was so empty they made us all sit toward the back for weight and balance. Had two seats to myself which was delightful. Made it to Seattle at around 730pm. My flight to Orlando didn't leave until 1045pm, so I did a lot of time wasting. Walked to my gate so I knew where it was, then all the way back to the foodcourt for some food, then back to my gate where I sat down to watch some Friday Night Lights on my computer. After awhile I looked up and the sign above said Gate indicated that my departure gate had been moved to a different terminal. Had to pick up all my crap and make my way over there.
Finally boarded the plane around 1025pm. I scored a wicked seat, row 6 aisle, right behind first class so had plentiful leg room and my tray table came out the arm rest, not down from the seat above. Much steadier that way.
The flight was a mess. Well actually it was me that was a mess. I couldn't sleep at all for the longest time, and when I finally did fall asleep, I was only out for about 2 hours before waking up about an hour before the flight was due to land. I stayed awake and made the terrible decision to eat a bunch of Nibs, which were delicious, don't get me wrong, but made me feel oh so gross.
The plane landed at 7am and I headed over to Disney Magical Express and got aboard a shuttle right away, got to Kidani by 730am. This did me no good however as my room wasn't ready. I zombie walked my ass over to Jambo House to get some proper food in my stomach, grabbing a bottle of Pepto to chug on the way. It took until about 10am for me to finally start feeling human again. Although was still unbelievably tired at this point.
I decided to go find a comfy chair at the movie theatre in Downtown Disney and if the mood struck, fall asleep. I ended up wide awake through an entire showing of Easy A, still an awesome awesome movie ( second time I've seen it). On the bus back to Kidani it was a different story. I fell asleep and woke up about every five minutes. I could barely keep my eyes open enough to trudge off the bus and into the hotel. Alas it was 2pm and my room still wasn't ready, so I went and stared glassy eyed at a baby giraffe whilst sitting in a lounge. Finally at three I went over to the front desk, just to ask what was going on, and alas my room was ready after all. God knows how long it had been ready. My phone never got the text message they were supposed to send me.
This brings me to now. Well almost now. I've since made it to the room, had my luggage delivered, and taken one blissfully deserved shower. As for the title of this blog, well let's go back to Friday evening. I purchased a pair of jeggings at walmart, feeling that they would be oh so comfy on my flight. They were. Felt like I was wearing sweatpants the entire time, but looked stylish. Only discovered that the dye was rubbing off them at an alarming pace and onto my skin. I had nothing to change into until about half an hour ago, so I was wearing the things for about 20 hours, maybe a bit more. By the time I got to the shower there was so much dye on my legs I could have been wearing another pair of jeans. Thankfully most came off on the shower, but there's still a bluish tinge. New rule. Thou shalt always wash new indigo jeans before wearing.
Anyways, now I'm waiting for Claire. She should be here by now. No idea where she's gotten to. Hopefully her plane didn't fall into the Atlantic. Eager to see her. Even more eager now that my legs are mostly normal color again.
Updates to come.