Now I really need to go to Wal-Mart..
And I can't get there until freaking Monday. I should have gone yesterday but I my feet were going to fall off and I couldn't imagine dragging myself around that place. I was way too tired. I came home and just sat for almost an hour, not moving. Then of course I blogged and had some food. Went to bed last night at like 8:30 or 9. Had a bit of a time trying to fall asleep as I'd gotten a second wind and I was actually quite giddy. After divulging my entire life story to poor Helen who just listened with a smile on her face I retired to my bed. This morning I was up at 5:30a.m.It sucked again of course. Found myself alot more tired today than I have been so far this week. Must be catching up with me.
I caught the 6:02a.m. bus to MGM and was there at around 6:15a.m. I had neglected to eat breakfast on my way out because 1. I was running late and 2. I didn't really have any food (cause I need to go to Wal-Mart). So I dragged Claire over to Take 5 but sadly they do not open until 8a.m. So for 85 cents I bought got a packet of two poptarts out of the vending machines. I only ate one, though, as I'm not the biggest fan. We walked over to the breakroom after I'd aquired what was to pass as my breakfast and we sat around for about 20 minutes until Josh and BJ showed up. Once they got there we went off to Launch Base to learn the opening procedure for there. That took about an hour and a half. It involved alot of pressing buttons and speaking over the loud system. Once we were open we hung out in the Launch Base for almost an hour until our relief came. After that we went on break then headed over to unload. I was just about to start working unload advance and Claire at unload when Claire happened upon a girl who was hyperventilating in the car. Immediately all things stopped and I stood to the side as the all the experienced CM's set about doing the necessary stuff. The ride was shut down and the ambulance was called. The girl couldn't breathe properly and almost passed out several times. Because the paramedics were coming to offload no other guests could go back there so we had to completely stop the ride, evacuate the people who were in any of the cars (none were in the gravity building thank god, didn't really want to climb 101 steps to get people out) and then send all of the people waiting in line away. It was pretty hectic but also good experience for the future. We ended up spending about half an hour in the courtyard sending people away.
After the crisis ended and the ride was back up and running the four of us went over to one of the operations buildings and sat down and went over downtime (when the ride is shut down) reasons and procedures. After that we got lunch at Take 5. I had a buffalo chicken sandwich and a small handful of onion rings. After my single pop tart I was starving.
After lunch we did a walk through of all the positions and were told what to do if we are there and we go 101 (shut down). Then I think we may have gone back to the breakroom and had our last break. We might have done something else in there but I really can't remember now. After our break we started to go over what we'd be asked during out assessment on Thursday. We have to answer all these verbal questions and take a written test. It's kind of freaky. I'm pretty sure I'll pass, though. As long the ride doens't decide to shut down while I'm in Launch Base or something. We pretty much did that until 3 when the shift was over. Of course, at about 2:45 it started to absolutely pour outside. I had to walk from the breakroom, across the park and to cast services then out the building and to bus pick up. By the time I got there I was drenched. To make matters worse the bus was like 10 minutes late so that was just another ten minutes I was stuck standing in the rain. It was a very uncomfortable bus ride home. I hate being wet. It was all very thundery and there was lightning as well. So far in two weeks we've had more thunderstorms here then we had all year at home last year. It's nuts.
So now I'm home and I've three days off ahead of me. Most people would be jumping for joy, but frankly, I wish I didn't have three days off. I like working. I like the people. Three days is going to take forever. I want to go back now. I want to make new friends at work and get better and my job. I don't want to be here stuck listening to my roommate and her friend gibber gabber in Chinese, which is currently happening. It seems that everyone I know is probably working these next few days as well. It's crap.
I still don't want to come home by the way. I like it here and I can't imagine life in Ladysmith ever being quite as nice. I'll be coming back here one day, at least I really hope I will. Must find myself an American to marry. I might as well look while I'm here, lol. I love everything here. I love how there are oranges on the street signs and that when it rains it's still warm. I love the parks and my job. I love the people and I don't even mind my uniform that much anymore...although it's not that flattering and no one I look with has any clue that I'm not nearly as....poofy as my uniform makes me look. It makes me look about two or three sizes larger than I really am. No one should have to wear pants at their natural waist and then have to tuck their shirts in. Especially me. It looks fine on the guys, but on the girls it's not great, again, especially on me!
I can't believe I've only got one more day of training left. It sucks. I like being trained. It lotsa fun and not so nerve wrecking when you've got someone over your shoulder making sure you don't screw everything up. I really don't want three days off....I'd much rather be working. That's very different for me. Back home I was just dying for a bunch of days off, which I got alot of, and whenever I had to work it sucked. Now I can't wait. This is very strange for me.
I could ramble on about how much I love it here forever but you might get bored, if you aren't already so I'll stop. I'll keep you updated on how my three days off go. They'll probably be spent in a haze of longing for work. How strange. Perhaps I'll have to be pathetic and go to MGM one day just so I can ride the coaster.
P.S- In regards to the comments on my last post...Jei's Mom, I had a really good burger at Bennigans the other night.
As for you Kevin, don't go trying to mug me. I think they may notice your not a girl when you get there, so it's not really worth your trouble. Plus they got nuts over Claires accent, they'd be sure to notice your Irishness and realize that you don't belong. By the way, where have you been this week? Haven't heard from you! Call me, I'm bored!
Ah, life in La La Land, ain't it grand... and life will surely suck when you come home.
All this talk of your lovely uniform... you should really post a picture so we can see for ourselves. All in favour? ; )
BTW, saw your wee cousins singing, bending, and dancing this weekend. Nyla, adorable as usual, was a poodle...
post the pic - we're all waiting....