For I have endured too much embarassment there to show my face again, until I need more minutes that is! You see, I was there earlier today. I bought a jug of milk, a card, and some cookies. The guy only put the bag with the milk on the counter, though, and I was distracted by Claire, so I walked away without the cookies and card. So I get home and realize I only have milk in my hands! I was appalled, but I didn't want to walk all the way back there as it was way way tooo hot. I mean hottests it's been in ages. So I called them and was like, I forgot the bag but I can't come now cause I have to work, can I come after my shift (which ended at 12:15am). I gave the girl I talked to my name and the girl was like, okay. So after work tonight, Jimmy dropped me and Claire at Vista. First we went to Bennigans to get some food, then after we walked over to Walgreens and I told the cashier what happened. Then she called the manager. My bag was no where! I was like, ummmm. Then the guy was like, just go get what you bought. So I walked over and got the cookies, but the same card was gone. So I grabbed a different one and was like, I'll pay the extra. The manager was like, don't worry about it and let me leave with the stuff.
It was very hilarious but also embarassing. I never want to go back! Claire was horrified.
On to other things.
Saturday was an awesome awesome day. First Jimmy came and got Claire and I and we went to Wal-Mart to get water fight tools for that night. Then we ate some food at Sonic and Ryan came and met us. Then we drove over to Universal for a day of awesomeness. We rode rides, had a terrific time. I saw the Terminator Show which rocked, I love terminator. Jimmy gave me and Claire comp passes so we got in free. I love Jimmy.
After a long but awesome day involving Cinnibon and TCBY we all went over to Jimmy's and filled water balloons then went over to Saratoga Springs for another BBQ with Jaime and her family. It was alot different than the last one as there were more people there, a bit of a different crowd. It was fun, but not as great as the previous one. Once most of the people left, though, it got good. We all just sat around the hot tub and talked. It was nice. After Jimmy drove us home and it was off to bed.
Sunday I worked again, then after work a small group of us went to Wendy's for food and then after I got home I went to Wendy's again with Kevin. After that I came home and slept. Today I got half my packing done and did laundry before I went to work at 6:15pm. It was an okay shift, long and boring, kind of. I was never around the good people! (Ryan, Jimmy, Jaime...) Claire wasn't at Coaster tonight, so she didn't make the list. lol.
And then you all know what happened after work. That's my week up til now. A hurricane is on it's way, which is both fun and bad. If it comes my flight might get screwed up which would be bad. I'd love to stay but at the same time it would put my parents out a lot. We'll see what happenes. Must sleep now, though.
Oh, must add. The other day when I was in Launch Base I had my first 101! It was both terrifying and great at the same time. Great cause I finally got to figure out what the hell u do in a 101, terrifying as I had no idea what to do at first. If you don't know. 101 means the ride is down. My 101 had something to do with some computer and we lost all power and stuff.
posted by Unknown on
Monday, August 28, 2006 § 1 comments
At least when I'm playing Mario Party, because I'm always Daisy, the redheaded princess. It's quite fitting, really. If you want to know what the past two days have been like, they've been pretty identical. They go like this. Work, food, Mario Party. On Thursday Me, Claire, Jimmy and Ryan all went to Ale House after Claire and I got off work. Then we went back to Ryan's and played Mario Party til 3 am. Good fun!
Yesterday after Jimmy, Claire and I got off work Ryan met us. We went to Perkins with some other work people, then went back to Ryans to play Mario Party until 2 am. Good Fun!
Today, I am supposed to be working. But I've called in personal as I want one last full day with my good friend Jimmy before I leave. Sadly he is working on the only other day I'm not working before I leave. Also Claire is hangin with us today which rocks, and Ryan is going to meet us later. We're going to Universal Studios again. Fun! And after the Studios we are all gathering again at Saragtoga Springs for some BBQ madness. It will be great, at least I hope it will. We're gonna have another water fight. Alas the last one was so spontaneous that it was amazing, hopefully the planned one will be great, but who knows.
I must go dress and eat food as we will be departing eventually.
posted by Unknown on
Saturday, August 26, 2006 § 0 comments
Had the most awesomest of nights last night. Went to Jaime's BBQ at Saratoga Springs last night and had a blast. It was Jaime's family and a bunch of coaster peeps. We started out the night just chilling and having fun, then someone (Ryan) started throwing ice at people. So people started throwing it back. This went on and on until the ice ran out. Then we all decided to go play on the playground for awhile when low and behold a bucket of water appears and Ryan dumps it on Jimmy. Somehow it was decided that everyone was going to chase Josh and get him wet. So he ran, and ran, and ran. We hunted him for over two hours. It's a big resort, Saratoga Springs. Near the end everyone else had gone off and I found him by the pool. I ended up attempting to get him but missing then falling in the bush and getting soaked by him. So I was out, then everyone else came back and Elliot defected to Josh. About that time I found my cup in the bushes so immediately got Elliot. After awhile we all seemed to disband and agree we were done, then Kim hit josh with her water, so I thought, what the hell? and dumped mine on him. He ended up wettest of all, but he did manage to outlast us the entire night. lol.
After the water fight it was home and back to bed.
This morning I went to Universal Studios with Ryan and Jimmy and Elliot. Was supposed to be going with Lou and Andy but they were going so early and I need to sleep as I was out til 3 last night. So Ryan picked me up and we met the other two there. Had some lunch then did some rides at Islands of Adventure (The Hulk, Spiderman, Dueling Dragons) then we headed over to the Studios and did E.T. After ET Elliot had to leave, so us other three went over to Men In Black where Jimmy works sometimes and he 'backdoored' us onto it a couple times. Of course the minute we left it started to pour and it was a horrible, wet race to get to the other side of the park to get on The Mummy (Best ride at Universal). We rode that, then Jimmy had to get going to work at Coaster, so Ryan and I continued on. We did Twister, then went back to IoA and did Jurassic Park and the new Suess train thingy is Suess Landing. I also bought a cute shirt.
After we rode our rides Ryan and I sat down and shared a funnel cake before heading back to the car. I then made him go to Target so I could get Veronica Mars Season 2 on DVD. It was very exciting, I'm very serious. I was thrilled. Love Ryan to pieces for taking me there, and just cause he's awesome. After that we met Elliot and Maureen and her roommate at T.G.I. Fridays for some dinner. I had steak...awesome. Then we drove over to MGM and met Jimmy as he'd gotten an Early Release. So the three of us ended up going over to Ryan's and playing Mario Party until 1am. Now i'm home and sleepy. It was an awesome day, I had a blast.
Tomorrow I work at 3. Not sure if I'll be doing anything else.
posted by Unknown on
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 § 1 comments
I spent all of June and July manically cleaning this apartment and people kept messing it up and telling me they didn't care, it's no big deal. Now I've stopped cleaning up after everyone and my other room mate has gone on a cleaning kick and is getting mad at me for making a mess. I dont' make messes. I clean up after myself. The only thing of mine in the common area besides my food is my computer, which I am plenty willing to take away if this goes on. I always clean up after myself (except my room). And do you think I like waking up to find crumbs on my computer? No!
I don't want to go home or anything, but I'm definately ready to leave these room mates behind and get some new ones.
What else have I done these past few days?
Saturday: Worked then went to Perkins
Sunday: Worked then went to Perkins
Monday: Worked then went to Perkins
Today: Going out at some point. I think Jaime might be having a BBQ for coaster peeps! So I'll be there.
Tomorrow: Universal? If things work out.
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 § 0 comments
I hate my room mate sometimes. Someone needs to teach her to be a little more considerate. It's 3:30am and she's got a bunch of friends in the living room being loud as hell. I want to strangle her. No wait, I want her termed. I should have reported her for drinking earlier this summer. Then I'd never have to deal with her. GRRRRR. I hate her.
More later, I'm too pissed to write anything of interest.
posted by Unknown on § 1 comments
For many reasons.
1. I'm so bloody tired I can barely keep my eyes open
2. Everytime I remember I have to go home in exactly two weeks this moment I start to feel nauseous and a have trouble breathing.
3. I've had the best time of my life these past few days, probably the most fun I've ever had.
So last I left off it was Tuesday, the first of my couple days off. I woke up and hung around the apartment for awhile. Then I went to Epcot and met up with Meredith. From there we headed to MGM cause I wanted to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid. Sadly almost every computer system on Disney property had crashed that day and Voyage wasn't running. Boo. So we ended up going to Coaster and bugging the working folk for awhile, then rode. After that we headed over the The Great Movie ride and did that. Longest I've ever had to wait in line for that ride. After GMR we had about an hour of what the hell should we do? It was not a fun hour as neither of us wanted to do the same thing. She wanted to go watch a movie at her place, I did not. I wanted to hang around the park and soak in some Disney Magic. Meredith was just about to leave and I was going to go troll around the park when we ran into Patsy and Joey in a store. We ended up tagging along with them and having an amazing time. Then to make things more awesome we found Chase and Matt. Joey backdoored us on tower three times ( he works there and coaster) and then we went on Coaster once. Then Joey got us on the all ride at Tower with the lights on, which was so cool. I bought the picture, we all did actually. Then we all parted ways and went home.
On Wednesday I hung around the apartment for awhile that morning then headed over to Patsy's where her, Meredith and Joey were hanging in the mess that was Patsy's room. Patsy was trying to pack. After awhile we all drove to Arby's for some food then we dropped Meredith at work. Joey then drove us over to Fort Wilderness. See Patsy's sister had just arrived for a couple days as she had come to drive Patsy home for this morning. So we get to the cabin and meet one of the most annoying people I have ever met. Every annoying guest I've met wrapped into one. It's really just too hard to explain her. She's that bad. So me, Patsy, Joey and Meg (the sister) went over to Epcot where we met Chase and Claire. Then the five of us went on Test Track twice (got backdoored by Patsy's friend). Then Patsy scored us some no strings passes and we went on Soarin'. Jimmy and Ryan had just gone to get Josh at the airport so they all met up with us after we rode Soarin'. We all headed over to the World Showcase and rode Maelstrom and then found a spot to watch Illuminations from.
After Illuminations we all piled into cars and headed over to the Winter/Summerland Mini Golf. We played the most fun game of mini golf I've ever played. I love all of those people so much (except Meg). After a game of golf that included me almost killing Ryan twice with rogue golf balls we all went over to Perkins for some food. Food was followed by home at about 2 am.
Then came yesterday. I worked at 10:15am til 9:00pm. Long shift. After my shift I ran to the buses, got on one to the TTC and then bolted over to the Magic Kingdom where I met everyone (Patsy, Meg, Jimmy, Ryan, Jessica, Jon, Elliot, Random Guy, Joey) to watch Wishes at 10pm. I was so happy I made it in time. After Wishes we were supposed to go to PI but Patsy and her sister had an 'incident' so we abandoned Meg and went over to MGM to pick up Claire. Then we all went to the Ale House, where we were met by Josh. We hung around there for a long time eating food, talking and having a general great time. So much fun. I didn't want the night to end. Alas it did, I came home last night around 3am.
Today I worked 12:30 pm to 8pm. Now I'm home. Taking a night off. I've got a 12.5 hour shift tomorrow! Gotta go make dinner.
posted by Unknown on
Friday, August 18, 2006 § 0 comments
1. Have had numerous emails from different people about the J-1 program but am still absolutely no where with it.
2. Went to Wendy's with people from work and had a blast
3. Had many horrible dreams that involve coming home and woken up crying or nearly crying
4. Not seen the guy I like once.
5. Seen that incredibly odd movie Zoom
6. Had a fit cause Bernard is not in the next Santa Clause movie
7. Said bye to my parents as they had to go home
8. Hung out with Jimmy and Chase and Matthew at Epcot on Sunday. (Me and three gay men). We went on Testrack, Soarin, Maelstrom, Spaceship Earth and that annoying mexican boat ride that makes me want to scratch out my eyes. Oh and we played mission space race. Then after we left Epcot we were joined by Ryan at Perkins, bringing the total up to four gay men...and me.
9. Wondered why I have no straight guy friends
10. Wondered why all the gay men have boyfriends but I don't.
11. Went to Magic Kingdom with Chase and Matt yesterday to see the 'new' parade. Which is really the old parade with some minor changes. Then we went on Space Mountain and played in the arcade. Chase leaves in a couple days...I'm gonna miss him.
12. Went to work and had a pretty good shift despite the fact that a ton of crap was going on. I was blissfully unaware of the height situations and death threats though. Although some woman told me I wasn't accomodating to children. She wanted me to give her two rider switches instead of one and we had a line that was backed up to the gate ( like over an hour and a half long!) and I told her I could let all her kids ride again.
13. Got a ride home from Jimmy last night. I'm really going to miss him. and Everyone else. I don't wanna go home.
14. Woke up this morning to find a large black man asleep on the couch. Laura's friend.
15. One last bit of excitement! Joey Fatone came to Coaster last week. I got to check his harness twice! lol. I miss NSYNC
Time to go now.
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 § 0 comments
I've been firing off emails to different casting people trying to get some info on coming back and I've had no response whatsoever. It's getting a little annoying. I got the name of someone new to email yesterday from one of my managers, so I'm going to try that tomorrow.
I'm back at my apartment right now. For the first time in like 5 days. It's nice, calming. I love hanging with my parents and the hotel is beautiful, this just feels like home now, though. No matter how disgustingly dirty it is.
Yesterday I went to magic kingdom for lunch with my parents. The taco place was open which is rare so I was very happy. That place has only ever been open one other time when I've been at Disney. After lunch we dropped dad at the hotel and mom and I went to World of Disney so she could spend a ton of money then use my discount. After that we relaxed in the hotel for a short while then we had dinner over at the French Quarter's Food Court. After food they dropped me off at work.
Work was good last night. I started the shift with a task which is always nice. I had fun. There was a convention for the last couple hours of my shift, so I basically just stood there telling people to pick where they wanted to sit. Easiest work ever. Well maybe sitting in the box office at Galaxy reading was a bit easier, but I prefer coaster any day. The people at the convention were done at like midnight, and we were scheduled til 12:30am so we just hung around and ate the left over food. Saltiest popcorn ever. I thought my mouth was going to start to bleed. Last week after the convention there was ice cream. Sadly none this week.
Exactly three weeks til my last day of work. It's uber depressing. I'm not ready to come home. I know people miss me, I miss them too. This place is just so amazing though. I like the independance, the responsibility. I like having a ton of friends and a super cool job. I like the weather! Sigh....
I should go get dressed. I need to catch a bus for work soon.
posted by Unknown on
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 § 0 comments
My parents are here. It's strange. I'm so used to living for myself now, it feels strange to have other people to consider. Not that I don't love to see them, cause I do, it's just wierd. I like being here on my own, I miss everyone, but I like it. I'm really going to miss it come September. I might, no I will, be a bit depressed. by a bit, I mean a lot. Leaving is going to be so hard. I dont' know if I'll be able to handle it.
Friday they got here, we went shopping. It was nice. I like to shop.
Saturday the 'rents went to AK early while I slept. I met them there for lunch. Then we came back here and they rested. I went to Epcot with Chase and Jimmy. It was alot of fun. Then I came back to the hotel and we went to DTD for dinner. Then we went to MGM for a couple rides and some Fantasmic. Then back to the hotel.
Sunday, yesterday, mom and I went shopping. After shopping we went to Epcot, rode a couple rides then had some dinner. After dinner we went back to the hotel. I went to bed, they went to DTD.
Today I worked v. early. After work I met up with them again and mom and I did some more shopping at Cast Connection. Then it was over ot Animal Kingdom to do a few rides. Now we're here again. I'm tired.
posted by Unknown on
Monday, August 07, 2006 § 1 comments
and I'm still here. This is how acute my need to stay here is, I miss it while I'm here. I don't want to leave and it's just getting worse and worse. The guy I like, I probably won't even see him for another week and it's been at least that since I last saw him, so that sucks. That means I only have three weeks to not do anything about it. I wish I could, but I'm too chicken. It seems I take three steps closer then go back two. It's frustrating.
On to other things, not alot has been going on. I worked Tuesday night til about 12:30a.m. It was some Accountant Intern convention so we were open two hours after closing for them. Most were drunk and most were actually pretty young. Some very hot ones came through. After the conference I went out for food with some people from work and it was really fun. I like the people here, I don't want to leave them! Then it was home and to bed at 3am for seven hours of sleep before I got up at 10am to get ready and leave for work. I had a hearing test before my shift, that was okay. I passed, I'm not going deaf at this point, which is really surprising. After all thsoe concerts I was sure I'd be condemned. Jimmy and I had it at the same time which was nice, chance to hang a bit. We got back about a half hour before out actual shift started so we got paid to have a nice thirty minute break. lol. Then we worked. After work I went out to dinner at the Magic Kingdom with Meredith at the Liberty Tree Tavern. It was pretty good, yummy food. I was stuffed. Then home and to bed again. Worked this morning again, it was a pretty easy shift. No outdoor positions and good people for the most part. Now I'm doing Laundry and cleaning my room. I've sorta let it go these last few days and now I can't find anything!
posted by Unknown on
Thursday, August 03, 2006 § 0 comments
It's August 1st and the worst month of my life has officially begun. Well not the worst month, that will be September, but this month will be jam packed of me being sick to my stomache and near tears. Aren't I lucky? I can't stand the thought of having to leave this place in one months time. I don't know what I'll do come the last night. Maybe chain myself to the gates of Rockin' Roller Coaster? I want to come back here so bad it hurts. I want to do it as soon as possible as well. If Disney offered me an H-2B Visa starting in September I would take it no questions asked, as long as I was placed at RRC again.
I'm warning all of you people back home now, when I come back I'll probably be a sodden mess. Not only do I have to leave the best job in the world, I have to leave great friends and the guy I really really like. And don't get me started on the weather, I shudder at the idea of going home to fall and winter weather. I'm aclimatizing, I could stay in Florida forever.
So yesterday I gave my shift away as Kevin and I were supposed to go to the Kona Cafe for breakfast. I get a text a 9am saying he was too tired and needed to sleep a few hours. So I didn't get my tonga toast which sucks. So I eventually called him at noon and made him get up. The plan was to leave his apt. at 1:30pm to go to EPCOT for lunch and test track then head over to Blizzard Beach with Louisa and Andy. Well I showed up at his apartment at 1:20pm and he had yet to shower. So we didn't end up leaving Vista until about 3:00pm. Which means we didn't leave Epcot til about 5pm. By that time Louisa had run all the way over from Magic Kingdom but Andy was seconds away from getting on the bus to Blizzard Beach. Blizzard Beach closes at 7pm so we decided that would be a waste of money. So instead of going there I called Andy and told him not to get on the bus. Instead Kev and Louisa went back to Vista to take our bags back and I went to meet Andy at Pop Century. I felt really bad as the guy was in such a rush to get to Blizzard Beach and here we were saying we weren't going after all. So Andy and I got a drink at Pop Century and then caught a bus over to Downtown Disney and bought our passes for DisneyQuest and went in and played. Louisa and Kev finally called about an hour and a half later and told us to go meet them at Raglan Road for dinner. After much fuss on my part over walking in the rain we did. We had a very deep fried meal and then headed back to DisneyQuest for more fun and excitement. I got to play Mighty Duck Pinball twice. That's where you stand on these moving things and you are the pinball. It's awesome.
After DisneyQuest we cabbed it home and bought ice cream and went to the Pavillion. Well technically we parted ways first, then 20 minutes later met there. Well me and Andy got there about 10 minutes before Louisa and Kev and discovered some other people sitting in the Pavillion which is just wrong. No one is allowed in there but us. And worse, they were doing crafts. So after awhile Kev and Lou showed and we basically talked for 15 minutes before Lou went to bed and Kev walked her home then went back to his apt to get my bag and bring it back to me. He showed up at 25 minutes later and then we walked Andy to the bus stop. And that's where the night ends.
I work tonight, 4:15 til 10:45. I think there's a convention going on, most people have to stay until 12:30, but not I! Then tomorrow morning I have my hearing test, woohoo. At least Jimmy will be there.
posted by Unknown on
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 § 2 comments