And the fun goes on and on and on
Had the most awesomest of nights last night. Went to Jaime's BBQ at Saratoga Springs last night and had a blast. It was Jaime's family and a bunch of coaster peeps. We started out the night just chilling and having fun, then someone (Ryan) started throwing ice at people. So people started throwing it back. This went on and on until the ice ran out. Then we all decided to go play on the playground for awhile when low and behold a bucket of water appears and Ryan dumps it on Jimmy. Somehow it was decided that everyone was going to chase Josh and get him wet. So he ran, and ran, and ran. We hunted him for over two hours. It's a big resort, Saratoga Springs. Near the end everyone else had gone off and I found him by the pool. I ended up attempting to get him but missing then falling in the bush and getting soaked by him. So I was out, then everyone else came back and Elliot defected to Josh. About that time I found my cup in the bushes so immediately got Elliot. After awhile we all seemed to disband and agree we were done, then Kim hit josh with her water, so I thought, what the hell? and dumped mine on him. He ended up wettest of all, but he did manage to outlast us the entire night. lol.After the water fight it was home and back to bed.
This morning I went to Universal Studios with Ryan and Jimmy and Elliot. Was supposed to be going with Lou and Andy but they were going so early and I need to sleep as I was out til 3 last night. So Ryan picked me up and we met the other two there. Had some lunch then did some rides at Islands of Adventure (The Hulk, Spiderman, Dueling Dragons) then we headed over to the Studios and did E.T. After ET Elliot had to leave, so us other three went over to Men In Black where Jimmy works sometimes and he 'backdoored' us onto it a couple times. Of course the minute we left it started to pour and it was a horrible, wet race to get to the other side of the park to get on The Mummy (Best ride at Universal). We rode that, then Jimmy had to get going to work at Coaster, so Ryan and I continued on. We did Twister, then went back to IoA and did Jurassic Park and the new Suess train thingy is Suess Landing. I also bought a cute shirt.
After we rode our rides Ryan and I sat down and shared a funnel cake before heading back to the car. I then made him go to Target so I could get Veronica Mars Season 2 on DVD. It was very exciting, I'm very serious. I was thrilled. Love Ryan to pieces for taking me there, and just cause he's awesome. After that we met Elliot and Maureen and her roommate at T.G.I. Fridays for some dinner. I had steak...awesome. Then we drove over to MGM and met Jimmy as he'd gotten an Early Release. So the three of us ended up going over to Ryan's and playing Mario Party until 1am. Now i'm home and sleepy. It was an awesome day, I had a blast.
Tomorrow I work at 3. Not sure if I'll be doing anything else.
Proud of you for being the only one who's kept up their blog this summer kiddo!