Oh Boy
My parents are here. It's strange. I'm so used to living for myself now, it feels strange to have other people to consider. Not that I don't love to see them, cause I do, it's just wierd. I like being here on my own, I miss everyone, but I like it. I'm really going to miss it come September. I might, no I will, be a bit depressed. by a bit, I mean a lot. Leaving is going to be so hard. I dont' know if I'll be able to handle it.Friday they got here, we went shopping. It was nice. I like to shop.
Saturday the 'rents went to AK early while I slept. I met them there for lunch. Then we came back here and they rested. I went to Epcot with Chase and Jimmy. It was alot of fun. Then I came back to the hotel and we went to DTD for dinner. Then we went to MGM for a couple rides and some Fantasmic. Then back to the hotel.
Sunday, yesterday, mom and I went shopping. After shopping we went to Epcot, rode a couple rides then had some dinner. After dinner we went back to the hotel. I went to bed, they went to DTD.
Today I worked v. early. After work I met up with them again and mom and I did some more shopping at Cast Connection. Then it was over ot Animal Kingdom to do a few rides. Now we're here again. I'm tired.
Oh, Brynna - it won't be so bad coming home. I know where you're coming from; probably much like when our holidays end and we go through the post-holiday blues except 10 fold! We'll be here for a shoulder to lean on or two...
We can't wait til you get back to celebrate your big B-Day!
Take care & enjoy the next few weeks,
Aunt T