Super Stuff
Quick Recap of Yesterday-11am-Wake Up, proceed to sit around for three hours reading and playing on computer
3pm- Charlie Calls, we agree to meet at MGM
3:30pm- I catch the bus
3:47pm- Get to MGM
4:00pmish- We ride Coaster
4:30ish- Make Reservations for dinner at Mama Melrose
5:00pm- Get to Lights, Motors, Action and sit in cruel heat for thirty minutes waiting for it to start
5:30pm- It starts. It's okay, not great.
6:03pm- Finally over. My back is killing me from sitting on those benches
6:10pm- Wonder around Muppet Store
6:20pm- Wonder around Christmas Store
6:30pm- Got into Mama Melrose and proceed to be seated then eat dinner. It's before 8:30pm so we're not supposed to be able to use our cast discount but the nice manager says we can as they aren't busy
7:20pm- Leave MM, try and call Kevin but my phone tells me I'm out of minutes
7:45- Take Charlie to Coaster, she won't ride so make her wait in store while I go through twice. Somethings are just worth doing...or seeing twice.
8:23pm- Leave MGM, take Cab to downtown disney.
8:45pm-Buy tickets for 9:50pm My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Then spend next hour wandering around Marketplace.
9:30pm- get in theater, find chairs with raising armrests and take up two seats each. So comfy
9:50pm- Movie Starts, it's awesome. Eat so much Candy I want to puke.
11:35pm- Movie over- we run to the bus stop so we can make the 11:50pm bus
12:25- Get back to Vista late of course as the driver decided to go to Vista last instead of first like it's supposed to. Run to Walgreens to get phone card
12:50- Go to Louisa's apt. and hang with her, Kev, Shanan and Shayna
2:00am- Come home. Am sent disturbing text from Kev.
3:00am- Go to bed.
That was yesterday. Today I've done nothing but sit by my comp and talk.Blah. Work at 5:30pm. Odd time I know.
Yes, but Mommy appreciates the online chats. How much candy exactly?