I'm a God
In the month I've been here I've learned one thing; it could all end in the drop of a hat. This place is fantastic and I love it but I've also come to realize this place won't always stay the same. Come three months from now about 75% of coaster's cast will probably be people I've never met before. There is a ridiculous amount of people here on either CP (college program) programs or seasonal. It's incredibly sad to see them go so soon after meeting them. Three really cool CP's have come to the end of their program in the past couple weeks and I just found out today that another CP I work with that is really nice and cool got termed for a stupid little thing. Not exactly sure of the details but it's ridiculous; there are idiots who don't give a crap running around here breaking the law at every turn but he made a tiny mistake as I understand it and it cost him his job. Disney can be ruthless. It's very sad and annoying. None of this means I want to come home or anything, I'd love to stay here or come back, it just makes things less fairy tale like.On to more happyish things. Well at least not depressing things, my day wasn't wholly exciting so you may not even crack a smile. But who knows, perhaps just the thought of my wonderfulness makes you smile, and in that case, smile away.
This morning despite all my bestest efforts I was up at 11:30am. That might seem late to you, but when you didn't go to bed unitl 4:30am it's not. I topped out at just under 7 hours of sleep. I can barely survive off that. Last night I was out til like just before 4 with Louisa, Kev, Shannan and Vanessa at Wendy's/the Pavillion. Got home and found Charlotte reading on the couch. I hadn't had much of a chance to talk to her in the past couple weeks as she's been off with her parents so I spent like twenty minutes gabbing at her; telling her almost everything that's happened in the past two weeks. The poor girl. After that I managed to force myself to go to bed and there I slept. I might also mention that yesterday I literally sat in front of my computer for 13 hours watching tv shows my mom had burned and sent me. I know, I'm shocked as well. I guess I just didn't realize how much I miss TV. Once I started I couldn't stop, I had to keep watching. I got through ten episodes of All My Children, two Alice, I thinks and two Beautiful Peoples. Then last night I dreamed about TV's and us getting one in our apartment. Scrubs was on and I just had to watch it. lol. I have wierd dreams I know.
So this morning I woke up and, like always, plunked myself down in front of my computer and did a myriad of different things. Checked email, read stuff, watched another Beautiful People episode, chatted. You know the drill. I ate some yummy raisin toast as well. I also read my book for a few hours today. Then at around four a started to make my dinner. I made a big nummy plate of spaghetti and just as I was carrying it over to the table I dropped it. It was all over the disgusting floor, no hope of recovery. So I decided to have one of my frozen meals. I started to eat it and it felt like there was sand in it. Then I found a little hard thing that looked like a piece of glass so I thought it best to throw that out. So before I worked I didn't really have much to eat at all.
Went to work, Helen rode on the bus with me cause she was going into the park. Started my shift off in Launch Base, the only nice hours of my shift. The rest of the time I was stuck at Load or Load Advance with a pop off to Unload Advance for awhile and short time at Merge and Greeter. Mostly I was on the load platform though. It sucked. That's where you're constantly walking back and forth checking the harnesses. My feet are killing me now. Kev, Louisa and Jei popped by and rode about half way through my shift which was nice. Good to see some friends. Then they came back about ten mins before close and rode again and Kev reminded me that I'd mentioned I might be able to get them on an all ride one day. So I mustered up the courage and asked my boss and she said it was alright so Kev, Louisa and Jei got to ride Coaster with the lights on. Kev nearly cried he was so happy. I'm pretty sure they'll love me forever. It is an experience one shall never forget, even if they've done it a ton of times as I have. They shall worship me forever now that I've let them in on the wonder of the lights on Rockin' Roller Coaster. It is pretty cool to see, it's all strange and fun. Alas mother, don't get any ideas. You have to be a cast member to even be considered to be allowed on the all ride.
After my shift got a ride home from Naveen which was lovely as I hate the buses with a firey passion. Who wants to ride that damn thing for 45 minutes after a long shift. NOT ME.
I work again tomorrow at 3:30pm-10:00pm. Then the next day I start at 7:45am which I really don't want to do. Trying to get rid of the shift but no luck so far. We'll see what happens. It would be lovely if I didn't have to do it. I don't want to be up that early on Friday. On the brightside I managed to switch next friday's shift to the morning instead of night.
OOOO funniness I forgot to mention. Was walking backstage from cast services to Hollywood BLVD when I looked over and saw Darth Vadar with his head off. Scared the daylights out of me. He was followed by bunches of other characters from the Stars and Motor Cars Parade which was making it's way off stage. I also saw Sully and Mike without their heads. Odd. Just as I was getting to the gate I saw Lilo and Stitch and was gripped with fear they'd remove their heads. I don't want to see my fave characters without their heads...it would be saddening. And the Aladdin in the parade, not so hot up close.
That's all I really have to say for now. No 'M' sightings today, sigh. Oh well. Yes on the 'stalker' sighting though. Shudder. Although I think he has gone down from stalker status to just creepy annoying. We'll see.
Mmmm, shouldn't that be "goddess" sweetie? I think it sounds much better than being a god. Glad you got to throw some pixie dust on your friends last night. And yes, I realize I won't be able to ride the coaster in blinding light but that would spoil the magic for me anyway! Luv ya!