Girl Meets World

I'm a spaz....

but what else is new? More on that later.

So yesterday after I posted I went to work. I know! Thrilling, eh? Work was good, slow but good. The fact that I'm sick made it seem like an eight hour shift not a six hour one, but whatever. I started out at Fast Pass distribution then moved up to Fastpass Return. After that I had a break which was nice. When I got back I was off to cover someones break. Was told to find them in studio C but they were still at MERGE as the rotation hadn't gone through yet. So I was Merge for all of one show before I got sent to Studio B where I spent over an hour watching the 3 min little show over and over and over and over and over. Every three minutes it's the same thing. By the end I was going a little insane. After someone finally releived me from C I got another break. After my break the computer sent me off to deliver the Lost and Found items from Coaster to the park Lost and Found. That was a nice little walk. After that I was sent to Load where I remained for nearly two hours until closing.

As for my spazziness....there's this guy I like. Won't say his name or how exactly I know him cause you'll know who it is then, and I have no idea who is reading this blog, so just in case...I'm not saying. For now, let's call him Malcom in honour of Malcolm the Bunny, my giant stuffed Duck that I sleep with at home. I miss him. In case you were wondering, I didn't get it confused, not that time. Malcolm is in fact a duck but before I had him I had a bunny named carrot. Unfortunately Carrots head ripped off (he's been repared since) and I got a duck to replace him. Alas I can never actually remember that Malcolm is a duck and whenever I refer to him I say bunny. So I've officially changed his name to Malcolm the Bunny. So as I was saying...Malcolm was saying goodbye to me (won't say when and where)yesterday and instead of being nice and flirty like I should have been I pretty much grunted at him. Had I not been deathly ill and felt like a brick was squeezing in my skull with my brain I might have been a tad more aware of my actions, but I wasn't. So this guy who I like immensley probably thinks I'm an idiot. Like I said 'What else is new?'

Anyways, I'm back to work this afternoon. We're having a potluck dinner thing at work so I baked some cookies (bought the dough). Of course as I am a spaz in the kitchen as well I managed to overcook them. So they'll be fine and crunchy.

I'm feeling pretty drippy and gross right now. I don't have alot left to say. Just that I love it here even when I'm sick. So tata for now. Wish me well and wish me some non stupidity for my next encounter with 'Malcolm'.