Girl Meets World

I'm dying...

Well maybe not, but I feel like crap. I refuse to call in sick, though. Love my job far too much to dare miss even a day. Unless I start feeling any worse, in that case I may have to, which sucks. I really don't want to.

This'll be just a quick little note as it's been a very short while since my last post and there isn't a ton to report. Last night I got a call from Kev just as he was getting off work. He decided that him and I were going to rush over to the Magic Kingdom once he got home and ride Pirates of the Caribbean as it is now open for 'soft opening'. It officially opens Friday. That was at about 9:30 and he'd yet to get the bus back from Epcot. Magic Kingdom closes at 11 so our chances weren't looking to good. He called me a little while later and said we wouldn't make so we wouldn't bother. Then at about 10:09 he called and said we were going to try. So we met at the bus stop and he ran up to his apartment and got changed in record time. Then just as the A bus was pulling away he got back to the bus stop and he managed to get the driver to stop and let us on.

Once we got to the Transportation and Ticket Center we bolted over to the monorail. Evil Kevin made me run which was not easy as I am sick, my jeans were falling down and I'm just not a very good runner. It was painful. We got on the monorail and made to to the gates of MK at about quarter to. Then we bolted through the park, Kev trying to make me run and me telling him it was impossible. We made it to Pirates 7 minutes before closing. The excitement between the two of us was extreme. We couldn't beleive we'd made it. We got on the ride and then we were taken through the magical world of Pirates and Jack Sparrow! It was great. The animatronci Johnny Depp is freaky. I mean he looks so incredibly real it was almost creepy. I'd swear that Johnny Depp had taken a new job moving his head left and right in the ride if I didn't know better. He makes three appearances and looks just as real each time you see him. He even talks at the end. It was great. Kev loved it but said it was also ruined. Something about it being to open. I really didn't see too much of a difference besides the addition of Johnny. It was fantastic and I'll ride it again and again. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

After we got back we went over to Wendy's and I had some chicken strips. Figured I deserved them after all that running. Then we went to Walgreens where I bought a large amount of Nyquil and Dayquil. Then it was to the Pavillion for a little chat, then home. It was a good night. I work in 2.5 hours now. I'm looking forward to it, but also dreading it as I feel like crap. Oh well. We'll see how it goes. Next week I have a shift that end at 1:45am then I start the next morning at 9:45 am. If I'm not better by then I might not make it.

Have a great day all! I'm off to work where it shall be a mad house as all them idiotic folk who came in for the 4th of July will probably be around.
