Did she or didn' she?
I bet that's the question on all of your mind, Did she or didn't she...pass her assessment? The answer is YES! Of course I did. To all those who doubted me, SHAME! It was a very easy assessment as, for reasons you're well aware of, the attraction wasn't attracting that many guests yesterday. It was pretty much walk on all day long. Which meant that in the highly stressful busy positions, I kind of just breezed through.I started yesterday at 4pm. For two hours my assesser (Elliot) and I walked through each position where I demonstrated my saviness at each position. I passed in every area and apparently did extrememly well. One of the best he's assessed, Elliot said. I was done being assessed at about 6, then I had to wait around til 6:30 so Elliot could get the managers signature. After that I had my half hour break then at 7pm I was officially a Rockin Roller Coaster Cast Member. I was meant to go right into rotation but the first two times I signed into the computer it tasked me. That means going off and doing little tasks instead of doing the regular position. Each task is about 14 minutes long. The first one told me to go and pick garbage out of the planters. They were relatively garbage free so I just swept the queue. The second task had me out in front of the Guitar asking people if they'd like me to take pictures of them together. I didn't actually take any pics as the few people I asked refused the offer.
At 7:30 I was finally back in rotation. I did literally about 2 minutes at Unload Advance before I got bumped up to Front Grouper. I was there for about half an hour, then I was moved to Studio B. Stayed there for maybe twenty minutes then was sent on break. After break I was sent back to Studio B. I was there not long before I was sent out to Fast Pass Return at 9pm and I got stuck there until close. As it was a walk on and very slow, I was bored out of my mind.
After I finished my shift I came home and went to bed. Very exciting right? I got myself another shift today. I was start at 2pm and work until close at 10:30pm. I was hoping to get a morning shift but when I asked I got stuck with this, oh well. I'm off tomorrow. Don't know for sure what I'm going to do. Laura and Kelly are cabbing it to Florida Mall, might tag along. Then I work Monday-Friday. I'm very angry I don't have Friday off as Kev and Shanan are going to go see Pirates that day and of course I can't go! Meanies. After all that talk of going together months ago, Kev is deserting me. Just Kidding. I'm not all that bitter, just wish I could go. Now I'll have to coherce someone to go with me to either the midnight show on the 6th or an early early show on the 7th or any time on the 8th. I'll work it out.
It is officially the first day of July today. That means I've just two months before they make me go home. It's very depressing. I'd just rather not. Sure I miss you people, but what are the chances I'll see all of these people again? Maybe a few of them, but some of them live across the Atlantic. How the hell am I going to see them? It's just not a nice thought. I shall stop thinking about it.
Okay, I should go or I shall start thinking more dark thoughts.
Hey, B. Congrats! Great job on the assessment - you deserve it after a hellish experience earlier this week. Your mom is here - having fun shopping with her & Nana. We're enjoying the weather & they are currently folding all my clean laundry!!! har, har, har.
Take care, we'll be in touch soon, I'm sure.
Aunt 'T'