Girl Meets World

Oy! An alligator just floated by my window...

Well not really, but I wouldn't be surprised with the amount of rain out there it won't be long before we've a new lake outside. The raindrops are so fricking fat the look like they might knock you out. I don't know for sure as I'm not going to even attempt to go outside. I like my dry little cocoon here. Of course I'm bored out of my mind, but I'll deal. I'd rather be bored and dry then drenched and uncomfortable.

I had the day off yesterday, as I'm sure all of you know because you all love me so much, you must have my schedule on your calendar because you must know what I'm doing at all times or you'll go insane. So in the morning, well early afternoon, Jei and I headed over to Disney University so I could go to Vista Credit Union and deposit my paychecks. That took forever but now I have access to money which is lovely. After the bank we walked across the large cast parking lot over to Cast Connection which is a giant discount disney store for Cast members only. I got some fun little things for next to nothing. Then it was over to property control which was disturbing and horrible. I wanted to leave immediately. So we left and stalked back across the parking lot under the hot hot sun over to the bus stop. When the bus finally arrived we jumped on and headed back. Jei went back to the Commons and I went home to Vista. About a half hour later Meredith from work called and we arranged to meet to go see Pirates. About an hour later I was on the bus and she got on at Chatham and then it was off to Downtown Disney. We caught the 7:30 show. It was in the biggest movie theater I have ever been in. I mean the thing had a second level balcony! Insane! It was a fantastic movie, though not as good as the first. Jack Sparrow was a laugh as always and Orlando was just as nice on the eyes as ever. P.S- he's got like the nicest back ever.

After the movie I read the bus schedule wrong and so we ended up sitting at the bus stop for like an hour before the next one came. LOL. I'm loads of smart. Got on the bus and Meredith and I said goodbye and I went straight up to Kev's apartment when I got back to Vista. He had apparently received a somewhat promising email from his manager about transferring to MK. Of course it's not a definite or anything but it would be so lovely if he could move. We hung around for awhile lamenting at the fact that we were both starving but had to wait for Louisa to get home before we could go to Wendy's. When we finally went I went all out and got a potato and chicken strips. I know it was a lot of food but I hadn't had much of a proper meal that day. Mostly snacks. So I dug in. It was good and no, I didn't finish it all. Then we walked home and went our separate ways. My way led me back to my computer for a few minutes before I crashed into bed and slept for nearly 6 hours without waking up once. That's very rare. I slept in til after 11 which was really hard to do. I made myself sleep though because I needed to catch up. I've been getting alot less sleep then I'm used to these days. With my illness and all I figure I need to get as much as I can. I'm getting better, though, which is super cool. Hopefully I'll be good for my 6:30pm- 1:45 am shift tomorrow. Lovely aint it! Not really, no. At least I don't work the next morning. Sweet sweet Meredith switched with me so I don't have to go in until 3! Yay. Tomorrow begins 5 straight days of work before another two days off. It's going to be a long few days but I think I'll get through. I better. I hate morning shifts but I've got a few coming up. Oh well. Irony, next week I'd rather work in the morning than the evening. I'll see if I can switch or not.

My god the weather is gross. The thunder is getting closer and I can see lightning now. It's pouring like you Canadians have never seen. It rains hard at home but not like this. You step outside for ten seconds and it's a toss up between human or drowned rat. Sadly I don't look good when I'm wet. My hair gets plastered to my head and my face gets all red and blotchy. I feel bad for those I know who work outdoors, Jei comes to mind. She's out there now selling popcorn. Poor Jei. And anyone at work stuck at greeter, FP distro or FP return, my heart goes out to them. lol.

I have a song for everyone to go out and listen to. It's called 'I write sins not tragedies' and it's by a group called Panic! At the Disco. If u can't download go to and search panic at the disco. You can listen there. It's a great song. I'm addicted. Someone from work turned me on to it. Now I can't stop listening. It's replaced Jaded as the most played song on my computer.

Holy crap the lightning is close. Like super close. The thunder is almost right above me. I need my Tabitha. We get very few storms back home but whenever one occurs she's always there. Hiding on the couch while watching Grease 2. Ahhh the memories. Nothing, I mean nothing could get me outside. Well one thing, but I'd rather not say as you probably guessed and it's pathetic. lol.

I should stop rambling now and go hide under my covers. Good day all.

P.S - post some comments or email me to let me know ur reading!


Anonymous Anonymous at 2:53 PM  

Nice Blog, B. It's good to hear you're not missing us lowly Canadian folk....anyhoo, you're also sounding like a Brit these days. Must be from hanging out with Kev???? Speaking of tunes - have u heard Sexy Back by JT? I like it, altho doesn't sound like him. And yes- i downloaded Sins by Panic last week and am loving it too. Have heard it on the Beat a coupla times.
The girls say 'hi'! They're hanging out with Sarah's friend Emily, who just got a new sista today - Hannah Alexis.
Ciao for now - take care,
Aunt 'T'