The blood! Oh the blood!
Don't worry, I'm not dying. I just got a bit of a booboo, I'll tell you how in a minute.So where did I last leave off? I'm really not sure. I'll just do a quick recap of yesterday just in case. So I had the day off yesterday and went off to MGM to return that extra jacket I took out and get my paycheck. After I did both tasks I got back on the bus and headed home. The entire trip took over two hours. Damn buses. After my jaunt on the E bus I decided I'd hop on the H bus and head over to Wal-Mart so I could eat this week. I got there and got enough food to last me a few days. I spent the last of my cash then had to charge a little on the credit card. After Wal-Mart I lugged my bags of grocerys back to my apartment where I proceeded to finish off the rest of the Battlestar Pilot. Then I decided to go all out and actually make some real food. I made a very delicious chicken curry pasta salad. It took forever but is quite easy. I didn't have a recipe so I kind of just did it from memory, it turned out really good though. I didn't finish making it until after 10:00pm, though. I quickly ate some for my dinner then put away a few containers of it for lunches this week. Then it was off to bed.
This morning I woke up with a searing pain in my left ear. I very strongly considered calling in sick then realized I didn't have a clue what the number was. So I got up and got dressed and popped a few pain killers. I got to work and groggily made my way to the break room. I signed in and was assigned Greeter 2, which isn't really a real position, it's basically just helping out Greeter. So that was a pretty easy hour. Then I got bumped and got a break which was nice. I like breaks. After my break I was off to Launch Base for like the only second time ever. It was slightly nerve wrecking as it's can get a bit 'busy' in there. Then I got bumped to Load about an hour later and that is where I was walking down the side of the car and tripped and scraped my knee. I got right back up and it didn't really hurt but I few minutes later I looked down and noticed there was some blood running down my leg and a giant scrape on my knee. As blood isn't really part of the Disney look Janelle (who was in launch base) quickly switched with me so I would be out of site and called a person to come cover for me so I could get a bandaid. When my replacement came I quickly ran off to the break room and put some bandaids on. It took three to cover it. I also put some neosporin on it. Then I returned to Load and finished out that part of my rotation. Not before I was asked several times by my manager if I was okay. Then I was bumped to Unload Advance which I really don't like much, I don't think anyone does. I was quickly bumped for my lunch break, though, which was good as I'd started to bleed through my bandaids and needed new ones. I ate my yummy pasta salad and hung out with the other CMs on break. There were quite a few of them. Managed to gross out a few people with my wound. After break I got a task, then another, then another, then another, then another. About an hour and fifteen minutes later my run of tasks finally ended (which sucked as I love tasking). Then I got sent to Unload which I don't like all that much. I was bumped by josh for training pretty quickly, though, and I got one more task before I had to clock out. It was a pretty good shift.
After working I met up with Jei in the Coaster break room and we rode the coaster then went on Tower, then headed over to Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and tried our hardest to be volunteers but we weren't picked. We followed that with some dinner at the Sunset Ranch. I had chicken strips which were pretty good. Then we rode coaster one more time (walked right on as I have the power of the back door). We then went to the Coaster Breakroom and I got my stuff. Then it was off to the bus and back to Vista so I could drop off my stuff and change out of my clothes. We then caught a bus to Downtown Disney and went to Gharadelli for some sundae fun. I had a brownie sundae which was fabulous. Then we looked around for a bit then bussed it back to Vista, met Kev and went to Wendy's. It was too late for Jei to be back on Vista grounds so she took off and now I'm in the pavillion with Kev, Louisa and Vanessa. It's all very exciting. Kevin's writing an email to send off to his area manager pleaing to be released to the Magic Kingdom. It's his last chance.
I don't work tomorrow. Meeting Jei to go to the bank and property control tomorrow then might meet up with Meredith from work to go see Pirates.
Oh and just so you know, I have a bit of a 'stalker'. It's not very nice. It's just a guy that likes me who I don't like back and I'm trying to get rid of him. LOL. It's slightly annoying but one day it will be a funny story.
I don't know what else to tell you all. I can't think of anything else that might keep you on the edges of your seats. So I'll be off. It's kind of late.
Hi Brynna, Kev's Mum here. Delighted he put your link on his blog and have been enjoying reading. Looking forward to meeting you and riding rocknroller. Any chance of skipping the Q ? pretty please?