It's August 1st and the worst month of my life has officially begun. Well not the worst month, that will be September, but this month will be jam packed of me being sick to my stomache and near tears. Aren't I lucky? I can't stand the thought of having to leave this place in one months time. I don't know what I'll do come the last night. Maybe chain myself to the gates of Rockin' Roller Coaster? I want to come back here so bad it hurts. I want to do it as soon as possible as well. If Disney offered me an H-2B Visa starting in September I would take it no questions asked, as long as I was placed at RRC again.I'm warning all of you people back home now, when I come back I'll probably be a sodden mess. Not only do I have to leave the best job in the world, I have to leave great friends and the guy I really really like. And don't get me started on the weather, I shudder at the idea of going home to fall and winter weather. I'm aclimatizing, I could stay in Florida forever.
So yesterday I gave my shift away as Kevin and I were supposed to go to the Kona Cafe for breakfast. I get a text a 9am saying he was too tired and needed to sleep a few hours. So I didn't get my tonga toast which sucks. So I eventually called him at noon and made him get up. The plan was to leave his apt. at 1:30pm to go to EPCOT for lunch and test track then head over to Blizzard Beach with Louisa and Andy. Well I showed up at his apartment at 1:20pm and he had yet to shower. So we didn't end up leaving Vista until about 3:00pm. Which means we didn't leave Epcot til about 5pm. By that time Louisa had run all the way over from Magic Kingdom but Andy was seconds away from getting on the bus to Blizzard Beach. Blizzard Beach closes at 7pm so we decided that would be a waste of money. So instead of going there I called Andy and told him not to get on the bus. Instead Kev and Louisa went back to Vista to take our bags back and I went to meet Andy at Pop Century. I felt really bad as the guy was in such a rush to get to Blizzard Beach and here we were saying we weren't going after all. So Andy and I got a drink at Pop Century and then caught a bus over to Downtown Disney and bought our passes for DisneyQuest and went in and played. Louisa and Kev finally called about an hour and a half later and told us to go meet them at Raglan Road for dinner. After much fuss on my part over walking in the rain we did. We had a very deep fried meal and then headed back to DisneyQuest for more fun and excitement. I got to play Mighty Duck Pinball twice. That's where you stand on these moving things and you are the pinball. It's awesome.
After DisneyQuest we cabbed it home and bought ice cream and went to the Pavillion. Well technically we parted ways first, then 20 minutes later met there. Well me and Andy got there about 10 minutes before Louisa and Kev and discovered some other people sitting in the Pavillion which is just wrong. No one is allowed in there but us. And worse, they were doing crafts. So after awhile Kev and Lou showed and we basically talked for 15 minutes before Lou went to bed and Kev walked her home then went back to his apt to get my bag and bring it back to me. He showed up at 25 minutes later and then we walked Andy to the bus stop. And that's where the night ends.
I work tonight, 4:15 til 10:45. I think there's a convention going on, most people have to stay until 12:30, but not I! Then tomorrow morning I have my hearing test, woohoo. At least Jimmy will be there.
Brynna, I read something the other day that made me think of you....
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
....and if you're lucky it might happen again.