I Shall Never Return to Walgreens
For I have endured too much embarassment there to show my face again, until I need more minutes that is! You see, I was there earlier today. I bought a jug of milk, a card, and some cookies. The guy only put the bag with the milk on the counter, though, and I was distracted by Claire, so I walked away without the cookies and card. So I get home and realize I only have milk in my hands! I was appalled, but I didn't want to walk all the way back there as it was way way tooo hot. I mean hottests it's been in ages. So I called them and was like, I forgot the bag but I can't come now cause I have to work, can I come after my shift (which ended at 12:15am). I gave the girl I talked to my name and the girl was like, okay. So after work tonight, Jimmy dropped me and Claire at Vista. First we went to Bennigans to get some food, then after we walked over to Walgreens and I told the cashier what happened. Then she called the manager. My bag was no where! I was like, ummmm. Then the guy was like, just go get what you bought. So I walked over and got the cookies, but the same card was gone. So I grabbed a different one and was like, I'll pay the extra. The manager was like, don't worry about it and let me leave with the stuff.It was very hilarious but also embarassing. I never want to go back! Claire was horrified.
On to other things.
Saturday was an awesome awesome day. First Jimmy came and got Claire and I and we went to Wal-Mart to get water fight tools for that night. Then we ate some food at Sonic and Ryan came and met us. Then we drove over to Universal for a day of awesomeness. We rode rides, had a terrific time. I saw the Terminator Show which rocked, I love terminator. Jimmy gave me and Claire comp passes so we got in free. I love Jimmy.
After a long but awesome day involving Cinnibon and TCBY we all went over to Jimmy's and filled water balloons then went over to Saratoga Springs for another BBQ with Jaime and her family. It was alot different than the last one as there were more people there, a bit of a different crowd. It was fun, but not as great as the previous one. Once most of the people left, though, it got good. We all just sat around the hot tub and talked. It was nice. After Jimmy drove us home and it was off to bed.
Sunday I worked again, then after work a small group of us went to Wendy's for food and then after I got home I went to Wendy's again with Kevin. After that I came home and slept. Today I got half my packing done and did laundry before I went to work at 6:15pm. It was an okay shift, long and boring, kind of. I was never around the good people! (Ryan, Jimmy, Jaime...) Claire wasn't at Coaster tonight, so she didn't make the list. lol.
And then you all know what happened after work. That's my week up til now. A hurricane is on it's way, which is both fun and bad. If it comes my flight might get screwed up which would be bad. I'd love to stay but at the same time it would put my parents out a lot. We'll see what happenes. Must sleep now, though.
Oh, must add. The other day when I was in Launch Base I had my first 101! It was both terrifying and great at the same time. Great cause I finally got to figure out what the hell u do in a 101, terrifying as I had no idea what to do at first. If you don't know. 101 means the ride is down. My 101 had something to do with some computer and we lost all power and stuff.
Hey Brynna,
Hope you're enjoying your last few days. The whole experience was a great success for you, you're going to have great memories. Safe journey home and don't forget to visit us when you're on your European Tour!