A Magical Day in the Disney World
I woke up this morning at 10am. It was nice to sleep in after a few days of extra early mornings. I called Joey around 10:30 and he showed up about half an hour later. I met him at the front gate and we drove off to Disney University so I could pick up an ID at Access Control! I got the id, which is identical to last years and then headed over to Vista Federal Credit Union to get myself a chequing account. My card should be coming in the mail sometime next week.I followed that up with a quick trip to Company D to get a lanyard and pouch for my ID's. I'm now officially doing the same thing as last year, including throwing my cards in there when I'm done with them. Who had time to fish around a wallet? lol.
After we finished off at Disney-U we drove over to Downtown Disney and had lunch at Earl Of Sandwhich. Again I had my beloved beef and blue. It was fabulous. Next I shall try the Extreme Grilled Cheese or whatever it is called.
After lunch we went over to MGM. We were going to see if Joey's maingate worked so we could go in the park, but it didn't, so instead I ran over to Costuming and picked up a costume. Annoyingly there was only two coaster jackets left, neither were good. I grabbed the best of the two. I'll be keeping a weather eye out to see if any better ones show up.
So I got my stuff and then he headed over to Target and I did even more grocery shopping. I have most of what I need now, though I could still use a couple things. I think I'll be fine for now tho.
Joey came back to Vista with me and we spent awhile hanging around the apartment. When the roomies got back from traditions the group of us plus Geoff, Emma, Grace (from Vancouver) and a girl named Alex (from Quebec/ met her yesterday) and I all went over to Magic Kingdom for some good time parking. It was cool. Had dinner at Columbia House. Then we went on the Haunted Mansion. Only five days til they shut it down and inevitably change/ruin it :( Over to Pirates to take a gander at Jack Sparrow. Personally I'd prefer to have an anamatronic Will Turner in there....
We also went on Peter Pan and Space Mountain. Then it was off home. The line just to get on the monorail was longer than any of the ride lines. It took forever. Finally we got on and then caught the A bus. That ride was actually pretty fun. Alex and I ended up talking to a guy from Australia who is working at Tower of Terror and it turns out his friend who was with him works at Coaster. So I'm sure I'll spot them around. Alex is working Great Movie Ride at MGM, so I suppose I know someone in all the good MGM attractions now.
At home now. I'm off tomorrow, but I've gotta go to bed early as I've got to be up at the crack of dawn (litterally, it will probably still be dark when I get up) on Friday. I wish to god I didn't have to, but I suppose I will deal. Must remember to request a special bus. MUST!
Gonna go get a snack now. More updates to come on the Wonderful Disneytastic life of Brynna soon.
There's no tradition(s) to this summer.....
It's very different here this year, compared to last. Not that I expected it to be the same, but it's still somewhat of a shock. It's not a bad shock, I'm actually having a pretty good time! Different kind of roommates, different apartment....Today we had the immigration meeting in the morning. It was rather dull and very repetetive. I did all that stuff last year. Of course. Sat next to another Canadian girl named Alexandra and she was really nice. She's on the top floor of my building. She's also working at MGM on Great Movie Ride.
After immigration we came back to Vista and went to lunch at Bennigans. As much as I wanted my pita burger, i didnt' want red meat, so i had some appetizers. After lunch we traversed back to the apartment and chilled for awhile. We set off about 2:30pm to get our HUB (formaly the portal) login ID's. We then set out for the Pavillion so we could get our training schedules for the week. I was met with a happy little surprise. While all others were receiving traditions cards at the table, I walked up and spotted my nametag sitting on the corner of the table. On further inspection I saw it was attached to a note telling me that I don't have to go to traditions. So I bought my nice clothes for nothing. OH well. Now I have two days off before I start at Coaster on friday. I kinda wish I started earlier, but whatever. I'm still excited.
So after getting all our info we all trooped off to walmart where I spent lots more money on food. We rushed back to the bus and back to Vista. Got to the apartment, put our stuff away, and then went off to the pool at the Club house for the pool party. It was actually pretty good. Free Pizza, Pop, Chips, Cookies and Ice Cream. Good Music and lots of people. I enjoyed myself. This is one of the reaons last year was so different, I never did housing events. Who would have thought they could be so good?
Back at the apartment now, chillin on the couch. Think Joey and I are going out tomorrow, not sure where, but I'll be buying stamps to send off my Veronica Mars postcards to Dawn Ostroff. I will save my show if it kills me.
More later.
There's a bug coming out of that bug's ass!

two bugs attached at the ass. No lie. And they are everywhere. Apparently they only hang around for two weeks, which is probably why I didn't see them last year. Never the less, they are freaky and gross and keep landing on me.
I've just been told they are called 'love bugs'. I googled them. They fly around whilst mating. It's disgusting.
Anyways, on to other things.
So last night I saw some of the old Coaster folks. Jimmy, Ryan, Kim and Kyle. We went to see Pirates. I went mostly cause I wanted to see them, partly because I like the movie, and somewhat because I just like to look at Orlando Bloom. I fell asleep a few times.
Today we got up and went to an orientation session at the Commons. It was all about housing and was almost identical to the stuff I heard last year. Same stories, same slides, same everything. Including speakers.
After that we got to go home for lunch. Andrea, her roommate Kelsey and, Bree, one of my roommates (by the way I have five. Becca from Nanaimo who I've known forever of course, Meg from Cape Breton and her friend Amanda. Kelsey who was on the second flight with Becca and I, then of course Bree who is from Ontario. Funnily enough, Bree, Becca and I all have the same middle name!) and I all went over to Wendys for some food. After that I went to walgreens to get some more food.
Went back to the apartment and then headed over to the Pavillion to do some more check in stuff. Got my new ID. This year my face is really really red, last year I was really white. Apparently there is no happy medium.
After check in we kind of louned around the apartment for awhile. Then had to pick up my passport and other documents at 5 and low and behold there was Libby, my hero. The woman who I harrassed for months and months, the woman who made it possible for me to be here! I owe her my happiness :) I paid her with a hug. lol.
At around 6 the contents of my apartment along with Jeff and two other girls form his school (Emma and Grace) and I went over to the Outlet mall to check it out. I got some headbands and some disney sweatpants. I had dinner in the food court. They have a taco bell in there now which is totally awesome, cause before the place only had sucky places to eat.
After shopping we caught a bus home and then went down to the pool to hang around. It was fun. Lots of boy scouting. Not alot of boys to scout. There was Arm Guy and Plaid Shorts, as we named them. lol. but not much else to look at.
Becca is like a beacon to Mexican men. Wherever we go they come to her like flies to honey. Yesterday we got back from Walmart with so much stuff that Kelsey and I left her standing there while we ran half the stuff to the apartment. Low and behold some mexican guy appears and carries the rest of the stuff for her. Of course later on the same guy carried stuff for Bree then asked her out to lunch today. lol.
Tomorrow we got more orientation stuff.
Gonna go now,
I have arrived
So I'm back! I'm here in Florida. The sunshine state. And yes, there is sunshine this time! Not like last year when it rained for four days straight. After a day with my parents and Tabi, I met Becca at the airport in Victoria last night and began our trip to the happiest place on earth.Our first flight was nanoseconds long. It was all take off and landing, barely anything in between. After we arrived in Seattle we got our I94 cards and then maneuvered our way though the airport to find the terminal for out next flight. Alas the next flight didn't leave for another 3 hours anyways.
At our gate we found Geoff and Kelsey, two people I'd been talking to on the WDWIP boards. The four of us headed on a long and complicated journey to find food. We ended up at Chili's Too which was yummy. I had a chipotle blue cheese burger than was awesome. After food we wandered, headed to Borders so Becca could find a book. I talked her into buying Twilight, because I firmly beleive it's one of the best books ever written.
Our second flight boarded at 1030 and thank god the seat between Becca and me was left free. It wasn't a comfortable flight, and very fruitless when it came to sleep, but all the same it was better than last years when I was trapped beside a crying/kicking baby!
We then headed to baggage claim where we waited for what seemed like forever for our bags to finally show up. Then we all grabbed our massive suitcases and dragged them to the elevator and down to level one where we found the international arrivals desk. We got our welcome packets there, last year we got them at Vista. I found out I was again in a 6 person apartment, which was annoying cause I wanted a four person so badly. But then I discovered that both Becca and Kelsey were also assigned to my apartment. We're in building 8, apartment number one. It's farely close to the club house and hopefully not a long walk to the bus.
We've unpacked now and I'm both very tired and very excited. I need to go to walmart to get bedding! Becca and I are sharing a room, the room that's the equivelant to what I was in last year. I'm even sleeping in nearly the same bed. All that's different is the furniture arrangement. lol.
More updates to come as my life unfolds here at Disney.
Brynna Gabrielson