A Magical Day in the Disney World
I woke up this morning at 10am. It was nice to sleep in after a few days of extra early mornings. I called Joey around 10:30 and he showed up about half an hour later. I met him at the front gate and we drove off to Disney University so I could pick up an ID at Access Control! I got the id, which is identical to last years and then headed over to Vista Federal Credit Union to get myself a chequing account. My card should be coming in the mail sometime next week.I followed that up with a quick trip to Company D to get a lanyard and pouch for my ID's. I'm now officially doing the same thing as last year, including throwing my cards in there when I'm done with them. Who had time to fish around a wallet? lol.
After we finished off at Disney-U we drove over to Downtown Disney and had lunch at Earl Of Sandwhich. Again I had my beloved beef and blue. It was fabulous. Next I shall try the Extreme Grilled Cheese or whatever it is called.
After lunch we went over to MGM. We were going to see if Joey's maingate worked so we could go in the park, but it didn't, so instead I ran over to Costuming and picked up a costume. Annoyingly there was only two coaster jackets left, neither were good. I grabbed the best of the two. I'll be keeping a weather eye out to see if any better ones show up.
So I got my stuff and then he headed over to Target and I did even more grocery shopping. I have most of what I need now, though I could still use a couple things. I think I'll be fine for now tho.
Joey came back to Vista with me and we spent awhile hanging around the apartment. When the roomies got back from traditions the group of us plus Geoff, Emma, Grace (from Vancouver) and a girl named Alex (from Quebec/ met her yesterday) and I all went over to Magic Kingdom for some good time parking. It was cool. Had dinner at Columbia House. Then we went on the Haunted Mansion. Only five days til they shut it down and inevitably change/ruin it :( Over to Pirates to take a gander at Jack Sparrow. Personally I'd prefer to have an anamatronic Will Turner in there....
We also went on Peter Pan and Space Mountain. Then it was off home. The line just to get on the monorail was longer than any of the ride lines. It took forever. Finally we got on and then caught the A bus. That ride was actually pretty fun. Alex and I ended up talking to a guy from Australia who is working at Tower of Terror and it turns out his friend who was with him works at Coaster. So I'm sure I'll spot them around. Alex is working Great Movie Ride at MGM, so I suppose I know someone in all the good MGM attractions now.
At home now. I'm off tomorrow, but I've gotta go to bed early as I've got to be up at the crack of dawn (litterally, it will probably still be dark when I get up) on Friday. I wish to god I didn't have to, but I suppose I will deal. Must remember to request a special bus. MUST!
Gonna go get a snack now. More updates to come on the Wonderful Disneytastic life of Brynna soon.
What is this crazyiness about the Haunted Mansion??!!!! What are they doing to it???????????????