There's a bug coming out of that bug's ass!

two bugs attached at the ass. No lie. And they are everywhere. Apparently they only hang around for two weeks, which is probably why I didn't see them last year. Never the less, they are freaky and gross and keep landing on me.
I've just been told they are called 'love bugs'. I googled them. They fly around whilst mating. It's disgusting.
Anyways, on to other things.
So last night I saw some of the old Coaster folks. Jimmy, Ryan, Kim and Kyle. We went to see Pirates. I went mostly cause I wanted to see them, partly because I like the movie, and somewhat because I just like to look at Orlando Bloom. I fell asleep a few times.
Today we got up and went to an orientation session at the Commons. It was all about housing and was almost identical to the stuff I heard last year. Same stories, same slides, same everything. Including speakers.
After that we got to go home for lunch. Andrea, her roommate Kelsey and, Bree, one of my roommates (by the way I have five. Becca from Nanaimo who I've known forever of course, Meg from Cape Breton and her friend Amanda. Kelsey who was on the second flight with Becca and I, then of course Bree who is from Ontario. Funnily enough, Bree, Becca and I all have the same middle name!) and I all went over to Wendys for some food. After that I went to walgreens to get some more food.
Went back to the apartment and then headed over to the Pavillion to do some more check in stuff. Got my new ID. This year my face is really really red, last year I was really white. Apparently there is no happy medium.
After check in we kind of louned around the apartment for awhile. Then had to pick up my passport and other documents at 5 and low and behold there was Libby, my hero. The woman who I harrassed for months and months, the woman who made it possible for me to be here! I owe her my happiness :) I paid her with a hug. lol.
At around 6 the contents of my apartment along with Jeff and two other girls form his school (Emma and Grace) and I went over to the Outlet mall to check it out. I got some headbands and some disney sweatpants. I had dinner in the food court. They have a taco bell in there now which is totally awesome, cause before the place only had sucky places to eat.
After shopping we caught a bus home and then went down to the pool to hang around. It was fun. Lots of boy scouting. Not alot of boys to scout. There was Arm Guy and Plaid Shorts, as we named them. lol. but not much else to look at.
Becca is like a beacon to Mexican men. Wherever we go they come to her like flies to honey. Yesterday we got back from Walmart with so much stuff that Kelsey and I left her standing there while we ran half the stuff to the apartment. Low and behold some mexican guy appears and carries the rest of the stuff for her. Of course later on the same guy carried stuff for Bree then asked her out to lunch today. lol.
Tomorrow we got more orientation stuff.
Gonna go now,
Did you tell your new friend Bree, she's named after your favourite cheese? lol