That is the sad sad story of coaster! For like the past three days the ride has pretty much been completely and totally broken. It was open for a tiny while on Friday apparently, I was off, so I didn't see that. I got to work yesterday and they were all like, ya it's down, its' been down all day. It's so bad that they're flying someone in from overseas to look at it! We don't know what's wrong with it really, but the cars like won't launch. They go like 50 feet into the tunnel and just kind of stop.So my shift basically was comprised of me sitting inside and doing nothing, or hanging around outside and telling guests that the ride was closed. It wasn't too horrible. I kind of had fun last night, just talking to people and what not.
Today was a different story as the ride was still completely broken, but it was not night, so when I was outside I was faced with direct sunlight and no shade. After thirty minutes I was ready to pass out. Luckily I got to spend a good half of the day indoors. Being inside was fun as all we did was sit around and talk. I got to clean out the breakroom with Tim for awhile. That was a nice reprieve from the sun. I didn't get too burnt, but my scalp is bright bright red and really painful. Having a shower was just wonderful.
Tonight it's an early night for me. I've got to be up at 630am tomorrow. Not looking forward to it one bit!
So that's my update for today. I'll