Four Day Mash Up
Ok I'll try and get the last few days crammed into this blog. I'll probably forget many things, and for that I appologize, but I'll make sure to put in the most important stuff!First off, sorry I haven't blogged lately, but as I've started working I've been too busy/tired.
So we'll start off with...Saturday?
Saturday night was, well it was interesting to say the least. I worked from 6:45pm til 3am during One Mighty Party, which, if you don't know, is a giant GAY convention/party that is held at MGM every year. It's part of the gay days weekend. So the park closed to regular folk at about 9pm and then incame the gays, and boy did they come. There were lots, and lots, and lots. For the most part it was men, with a few token women thrown in here and there. They came wearing all sorts of things, from normal clothes, so skin tight jeans, to clothes befitting the opposite sex, well men in drag. Dude really does look like a lady....An extreme majority of the men saw fit to just take their shirts off. There was even a guy with breast implants walking around with naught but two shiny stars on them.....
The gays were nice for the most part. Some stroked my head and commented on how lovely my hair was, disbeleiving that it was in fact natural. At unload I got bitched out by a guy when he lost his phone on the train and we weren't able to locate it. I never did see anything too raunchy, I was warned that I might.
I must say tho, that those guys take really good care of themselves. The shirtless, well for the most part those guys had a reason to be shirtless. Such a waste....
The park closed to the gays at 230am...we closed the building and then clocked out. I ended up tagging along on a trip to Perkins for breakfast. It was awesome but wierd, there were like none of the old crowd there, save for Donald and Kathie. I had food, it was good. We left there around 445am. I got a ride back to Vista with a girl named Joy. When I got back to my apartment I realized that my cell was missing and I went into panic mode. I spent an hour freaking out, calling perkins and trying to get Joy's phone number to see if she had it. I finally fell asleep around 6am, aided by some Tylenol PM. I was too wound up to go the natural way.
Sunday I did some more work trying to track down Joy's number, did but then discovered she was out of minutes and therefor 'not in service'. I did find out that she was working in the afternoon tho, so I went to MGM with Alex and Pierre and managed to track down Joy who had my phone with her. thank god.
Came home around 8 that night, spent a good while starring at the computer, but not doing much of anything. I was uber tired. I tried reading, but couldn't as my hand was shaking and the book was therefor unreadable.
Monday....I worked. I didn't do much else but work. That was last night. I had an eight hour shift.
Today I also worked, also haven't done anything else really. Except for acquiring a major heat rash or irritation or burn on my legs, made possible by the sucky polyester shorts disney forces me to wear. It burns and it hurts. I went to walgreens and bought whatever I thought might help. So far the Aloe isn't really working. Damn.
I work again early tomorrow morning. 830am. Ugh. And I did that by choice, I could have worked an evening shift, but no, I got stupid and was like....i could have the afternoon off. So now I have to wake up at 730. Gross.
So now i have to things like get ready for bed. I will try and update more later, but be warned as I work now, there's not as much time to do so.
woohoo Gayday at Gayland!
Sounds like it was fun, except for lost cell boy. Sounds like a diva....
How's the weather down there anyway?
Marnie and I have moved over to Commercial Drive - yay! Talk about a stressful week.
Post some pics, hey?